Friday 3 July 2009

The Trinity

One may have the correct view of the Holy Spirit, by referring to the Doctrine of Trinity. One thing the doctrine of the Trinity does is always calls them back to the balance center point. Christians are never allowed to elevate one person to the expense of the others, since the fullness of deity in each one completely. Christian worship will be vital, consistent, and powerful when the proper attitude toward the triune God is maintained. When the truth is lost. Christian worship ends.1 It concludes in Christianity to Honor God, Christians honor the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Likewise, when Christians honor their parents, Christians honor, both their father and mother. If Christians say, Christians honor God, Christians honor the Father, Christians must also honor the Son, and if Christians say Christians honor the Son, Christians must honor the Spirit.

There were those in the third century who picture God as appearing in creation as the Father, later on in history as the Son, and finally making His appearance as the Holy Spirit. According their views there were not simultaneously three Persons in the Godhead. Nevertheless, the one Godhead was called the Father as one time, the Son at another, and the Spirit at a third time. On the Father first changed into the Son, and later into the Spirit. Christians must be careful of the wrong doctrine of the Holy Spirit, for a start, Christians must go back to the doctrine of Trinity.

Other Bible versions like the NKJV, CUV, are they giving us the right doctrine about Trinity?

One is Three, Three is One! Unique One!

With CUV and KJV, we worship the One and Only God!

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