Those who said, “It was never an issue of translations but source!” they are overlooking the problem.
Why you wanted to dig up the past. What is the source? You mean the underlying TEXTS?
Presently No one knows where are the original texts are and no one see the original TEXTS before. The Autograph is lost. What we have is the not the source. They are the copies, the mss. We have the copies.
It is not about the 2 teams of The Byzantine Texts versus the Alexandrian Texts. I personally do not agreed on this kind of argument. Even, we had 2 teams of texts, there is not one single mss from either teams, to be lifted up as the perfect one, all the scholars for all these years, from the earlier until today, no one dare to claim one single Bible to be the perfect Bible, not even the KJV translator themselves! No one in the pass dare to claim single TR is the perfect NT. No single mss is the perfect mss.
TR also is not perfect, because it is compilation of MSS, with various variants and differences, no 2 MSS is identically the same. So there is no such perfect TR, this is telling lies, to say the text underlying KJV is perfect.
There is no perfect translation, understand this well. KJV is not perfect.
VPP is only a hypothesis. HYPOTHSIS! A belief?
What is the real argument then?
We must agree.
God only wrote one Perfect Bible. OT in Hebrew and NT is in Greek.
There are many faithful translations.
You see, no matter what language of the Bible is, the gospel message still is the same. The same Lord, no another Lord. Hebrew Bible and Greek Bible are preaching the same Lord, not 2 Lords, please understand this well. OT and NT preached the same Lord.
Is there any Apostle claiming that OT is better than NT, just because OT was written in Hebrew, since Hebrew is for the Jew, and most of the Apostles are Jew, no one claim superiority of the OT because of the language. They were opened and prepared for a new language to be used in writing the Word of God, this is the work of the Holy Spirit, another language was used, and Greek was chosen. You see here is the freedom. Not bondage of language. They were not the slave for languages, they are not under Jew or Greek, they are under the Lord, what is the message, about the Lord or not is the most important matter. What language they are going to use is the secondary matter, it not as important as the message. They did not at least quarrel for the languages used in the Bible like those theologians did. The Apostle agreed for a change, for Greek, why not?
All the Apostle agreed to use the Greek, because Greek is the language for the marketplace, so they are agreed and accepted the fact God’s Word to be written in Greek, they did not argue for the new language, even though Greek is not their mother tongue, the Hebrew is, the Apostle just have to follow God’s will, the Apostle was inspired to write in Greek, that’s all. The Apostle followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. No argument about the choices of languages. In 1 Corinthian 14, Paul allowed the Corinthians to interpret the message into understandable language, so Paul did not see that Greek is superior neither. The message is more important as Paul sees it fit. Paul did not require perfect interpretation either. Paul asked themselves to discern the message themselves.
Likewise we should not claim superiority of the Bible Version due to its language used, KJV is not better because it is written in Old English. It is harsh to say this. There must be a change. Why not? I can say that God may use modern English to make His message clearer to the people in the marketplace. Nothing wrong about this. Paul allowed the church to interpret, there was no such thing called perfect interpretation in the Corinthian Church, understand this as well. Paul preach Christ with many languages, everytime every moment.
How wrong it is, one to judge the Bible versions according to the wording, according to the language used, and claim superiority of the Old English over the Modern English. Asked the theologian, you see, how they answer me, I said again, No one write any Theological Thesis or paper in Old English anymore in 2008, if he insists to do that, I will called him, this is out of theme, every one must write his theological paper in Modern English, plain english. So that people may understand his thesis when the thesis is read publicly.
VPP is the wrong kind of mentality, wrong perception, that the old English is better than the new, and they blindly believe the Bible is perfectly preserved only in he OLD Hebrew, OLD Greek, OLD English, God can erase the OLD English, and He may want His message to be written and translated in Modern English, Modern Chinese, Modern Malay, if God want to use understandable languages, rather than those Old English. I had made a point here. God may use Modern ENGLISH. The message still is the same. God preserved His message perfectly. Why not?
Modern English being the language of the modern world made this is the best example to illustrate the doctrine of VPP is wrong. VPP looking back for OLD English, promoting TR. VPP is wrong. But the people need Modern Bible in, understandable, daily speaking languages.
So VPP proponent is wrong in promoting OLD ENGLISH, AND pursuing THE perfect UNDERLYING TEXT, there is no perfection in a language, the language changed from time to time, even the OLD GREEK, the fact is KJV is not the most faithful translation also. So why you wanted to claim its superiority over the other translation? Why wasting your time in digging the underlying TEXTS, to split the congregation, because of lingustic problem, by asking question like Bible is perfect or not, which Bible is superb, which is not? There is another thing else, what I want you to drive for is, is the message, being preach to the world with the TR or not, if not please keep quite, let the freedom speak. Why not? let us preach the message with the understandable languages like most of the churches do. Lets use modern english, as simple as possible.
Without this, faith, it is impossible to please God. I believe God’s message is contained perfectly in the Bible, needed to preached to us, so that is why we must be faithfully to preach the message.
May God help us and keep us faithful to Him and His perfect Word till Christ’s return. Amen.
Lastly, asked the theologian, you want the people to understand the message or not. If you want, use the language that the people understand, and do not use the unknown or the old time English, use better translation, 2 or 3 translations can be used at the same time for comparison, see that 2 or 3 prophets were allowed to speak at one accasion, they were also allowed to speak one by one, and other listen, for comparison, for discernment, there was no such perfectly prepared interpretation in Corinthians, Paul wrote in Corinthian 14:26, “Everything be constructive and edifying and for the good of all……..let the number be limited to two or at the most three…………and taking turn……let one interpret and explain…….let 2 or 3 prophets speak, while the rest pay attention, and weigh and discern what is said……if an inspired revelation comes…..let other be silent…..all for stimulation an encouragement…..Paul here allowed 2 or 3 people speak and one for interpretations, Paul did not asked them for Perfect interpretations, Paul just asked them weigh and discern the message. Correct me, if I am wrong.
What is the source ? Not the Bible, not the TR, not the underlying TEXTS, not the Apostles, but God is the source… (1 Corinthian 14:33), is not the God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order.
The underlying texts are not the source of truth, the underlying text TR bring us confusions. Why the theologian still turn back ward to the original language and quarrel about translations and Bible version, that is a very old story. Paul said he knew nothing accept Christ, crucified, after all the debates and splits, do you see more people believe in Christ or more people confused about Christianity? Answer is, confused. So churches split, no peace and order.
Some dislike the KJV on the grounds that its English belongs to the 17th century and is archaic. God did write one perfect Bible, but it is not in old English KJV, understand this, God wanted His people to understand His Message, from Hebrew it turns to Greek, From Greek it turns to Old English, and naturally from Old English, the Bible must turn into New Modern English, listen, the message is still the same, the Gospel message is still the same. There must be the change, why not.
The Bible is not a book for man mainly to study languages, and argue about the TEXTS, and that is not the main purpose. The purpose of the Bible is to lead men to Christ, you see God had used many of the languages, Hebrew, Greek, Old English, for sure, He will also use the modern English, by faith I believe I had the Bible with me, the same, message preached by Paul, I had received the message, how about you, this is the most important point the theologian missed and messed up with.
I write in plain language as simple as I can, hope you understand. Do not argue with me, about the language I used here. The message, the message is more important.
Balaam the Stupid
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