Thursday 24 July 2008

Testing of the spirit 6

One of the strong servant said like this to another weak servant, "You, listen,...since you are so poor, and your work is not effective, I am coming to take over your job, I am going to take over your house, and I am going to take over everything from you, and you better be prepared to be a begger, begging rice and food on the street. "You know the rice now is not cheap." And he continued to say this, "See, my house is so big, I am so rich, and I have so many servants under me, I am successful." And the strong servant came to knock on the weak servant's head 3 times, "wake up, wake up, wake up" "You wicked servant! Stupid young man. Look, my money, see how much money I have. I helped many people, and you, you are wicked, and poor. I will going to punish you, wait and see, I will call many people to disturb you and your family, since you did not know how to bow your head to me, I am going to buy you, and your belonging, I am going to buy every thing belong to you, even your job, and your life, because you failed in your test, your spirit fail you, your spirit is weak...your end is coming, go away empty handed..." These are some of the whispers, strong servants kept in their hearts, chanting these perfect words, days and nights. On the Sunday morning or Friday night, they will go into the temple of God and they say, "I am not like him....I am better.....I am reaching out with a perfect Bible, they will said....Thank God, Thank God, Thank God..." You get what I meant. You know so and so is not good....I am good, only my church is good, no other church is so so good like us.....You know what I heard, these are the words from the mouth who are preaching the VPP, a perfect Bible.

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