Saturday, 11 April 2009

This is the day

This the day the LORD had made.... This is not the day the LOT had made, this is not the Lot's day..but this is the LORD's day.

When we put aside the "tongue speaking is everything" when we put aside the "Verbal Plenary Preservation is everything," when we put aside "the baptism of the Holy Spirit is everything" when we put aside "Bible Text is every thing," when we have to sit together with Christ, when we have to face Him this day, ...and we see Him wounded for us...and the tomb is empty...

This is the day when we have to put away everything to follow Christ, put away our personal achievement, dogma, denomination, sinful nature, cultural background...

When we have to deny ourselves, to take up the cross...
This is the day when we take up the cross to follow Christ.

This the moment when we see no other but the Cross, and Christ died on it, this is the day when we mourned for the sin of the whole world, this is the moment we celebrate the Son of God, He resurrected from the grips of death and evil, this is the day when we forget the past, and pursue a better future, and that future is in Christ Himself...the last frontier...that coming day we will see Him face to face...

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