Monday, 23 January 2017

Sin of killing priests in Bible Presbyterian Churches in Singapore

Life Bible Presbyterian's elders, pastors and leaders do not care whether you are dead or alive when you are in the mission field, they do not care the life of of a priest or pastor, what they care is what doctrine you are holding on to, they do not care whether you have rice in your bowl or not, but they care how long you are going to walk in fundamentalism. They do not care whether you are sick or not, what they are caring for is whether you are faithfully serving the Lord at this moment. Most of the time they care nothing about you, they dislike those pastors who are no in good term with them, you must behave like one of them, nice to them, if you want them to support you. This proven that they do not have love in their heart, they do not have charity for their fellow pastors, but they care only for doctrines, Bible truth and teachings. They are cruel in other words, they do not care if you are dying nor living, that is sin of killing priest in old testament times. This is an act of sacrilege against the church. They are committing Sin of Sacrilege in fundamentalism. Many pastors are accused of committing a sacrilege because they do not care for missionary, pastors and priests who are working in Bible Presbyterian Churches. These leaders are selfish, and they are going to be judged accordingly. Revenge is from the Lord. Still they are happy go lucky even until now, they like to say to people, if you perish, you perish.

1 comment:

  1. I have been a pastor in the Bible Presbyterian Church for many years in America.Every minister i have known over the years has been kind and loving with Christian kindness, even when we differ. Especially when we differ. I love these men who ordained me and supported us when my wife had cancer. Please be careful not to lump everyone together. Ken Orr
