Sunday, 28 June 2009

Extremely "you must!"

The theologians one day came to tell their young people in the church, listen what they said to their young people:

"You must not read NIV, ESV, you must read only KJV! Or else God will angry with you!

You must pursue the perfect Bible that is the underlying Hebrew and Greek text where the KJV translated from! Or else you will lost your salvation!

You must not watch movie, no contemporary music, no drums, you must listen to and sing just classical music! Or else you will become worldly!

You must not speak in tongue! Just English! Just your mother tongue! Or else you will become a demoniac! Tongue is finished.

You must not work with the evangelical, you must become separatist, only work with the hard line extreme fundamentalists! Or else you will not be a Calvinist!

You must not cast out the demons in the Name of Jesus Christ, you must not pray for miracles and healing!

Or else you will be called a neo-evangelical! Neo-something! Miracles are finished.

You must not act emotionally, you subdue your emotion into your stomach and spine, do not let people know your feeling in worship, singing, praises and prayers! Or else you will be called a new born baby in Christ! Emotions must be stopped in the church.

You must not do those things because the perfection already here, the perfection is the so called Perfect Bible under KJV!

You must see sabotage is not a sabotage, but you see sabotage as a testing from God! Or else you will not be come mature!

You must see oppression is not oppression, but you see oppression as a trial from God! Or else you will not be joyful!

You must follow me, because we follow Christ! And our teachings are biblical, other teachings are not! Or else you are not walking in the narrow way!

You must not become sorrowful when you see charismatic people are dying! Because they deserved it, you are not like them, you are specially called to be a militant, the spiritual militant, the spiritual commanders, you must be strong to fight among yourselves, and you are theologians like us, you must not give places for the weak!"

These the words they told their young people. After all these teachings!

The theologians shouted to their young people: "

"YOU MUST NOT HAVING ANY KIND OF COUNSELLING when you are facing problems! You just read the KJV 15th century Bible! The only Word of God in English, and only English Bible for the World. Because COUNSELLING IS WORLDLY! YOU MUST NOT learn ANY kind of counseling subject in school. Because counseling is dangerous! It draw people away from the Bible! Psychology is unbiblical...! "

Adonai, my God, are the theologians teaching the right things to the young people? Must the fundamentalist and charismatic be separated by a wave of theology? If so, Lord please give the north pole to the fundamentalist, and give the south pole to the Charismatic! So they will not see each other, and stop quarrelling!" No counsellings for Christian! Why?

The theologians are teaching the young people to stay away from Charismatics, why, is there any thing wrong with them? What separated them both? Drums? music, tongues speaking? Miracles, healing, demons castings? Are these things separate the Charismatics from Christ's love?

Until today the theologians are teaching those extremely hard to follow, "YOU MUST!...." Day in day out, day in day out!

The young people shouted to the theologians, "YES SIR!"

Am I funny in writing about the theologians and the young people, I am not kidding, what I wrote here is what actually happened, I am not joking!

I am serious like the theologians used to say, "I am serious!"
Am I happy to write about the wanting of Verbal Plenary Preservation? No!

Am I perfect, without error? No! Then, why I am writing like this?
I am trying to counsel myself, in solving the mystery of Verbal Plenary Preservation!

If you are not happy in reading my blog, if you see this is offensive to you, please stay away from this blog! If this blog is life threatening, please stay away!

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