Monday 23 January 2017

Are you scare, afraid, in fear?

In the end time, when you meet the people in the street, you will greet them, and you will not ask them weather they have food or not? But you will ask them, weather they are in fear or not!

害怕吗? An angel asked me!

Are you scared of something?
Are you scared if the Bible will be lost forever?
Are you afraid, people will reject KJV, but they will prefer ESV like me?
Are you in fear, because of the troubles you mede for yourself?
Are you scared for tomorrow?
Are you scared, what if you failed to be a faithful theologian?
Are you in fear, that the Lord will rebuke you today?

Are you not scared, for the day of the Lord is near! Have you forgotten? For God, one thousand years is just a day!! How can He forget His own Bible?

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