As Christian we are commanded to pray for our higher authority, and most important at the last days is to pray for the kings and queens so that they will not be tempted to pratice terrorism, or they are hijacked or black mailed and control by the terrorists.
May God give long life to our kings and their family members. May God prolong their lives. Amen.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Pastor and a terrorist wife
The end time is a dangerous time. The pastor may taken a wrong wife to be his wife, so I write this before hand to the sons and daughters who are living in the end time.
A pastor is a christian, he is a Christ's follower, he must trust in God, and he some time may mistakenly taken a terrorist as a wife, under this circumstance hes is living under great pressure, great danger, to live with the wife who is following the terrorism.
“°What if the pastor's wife is a terrorist”¡± This is a question never asked in seminary, but this can be true. This is possible in the end time. The wife was probably under the grips of terrorist under some cruel men, she may be living under a threat from he terrorist, so she become a under covered agent for the terrorist, maybe her private pictures may had been taken, these pictures have become a black mail to the woman, or her family member's life is in danger, the terrorist black mailed her to work for them, or her brother's life is under the control of the terrorist, so the wife succumb and fell prey to the terrorist. The woman married to the pastor maybe controlled by the terrorist.
The woman probably has a double faces life, she is living like a angel and another time she is living like a demon, she may be a saint and a prostitute at the same time, she become a worshipper in the Lord's day but at the other day she sold her life to the world. She is the husband's wound. She ruined her husband ministry and life. And then there are times she was called to over turn her husband from doing the duties as pastor.
1. She is not spiritually filled. The devil taken her foot hold. She is demon processed, exorcism needed to free her.
2. The pastor was tempted to fell in love with her because of her beauty. And she is becoming a temptation to him. And he is living under lust and lust has taken him. The is the weapon the terrorist will use to attack the pastor, a beautiful lady, beware.
3. The wife, because she is the terrorist, sooner and later she will be practising her terror in the marriage, and because she is a undercover agents, and she has another man in her heart from the past, and the pastor is not her husband spiritually, the pastor husband knew she is not close with him heartily, but it is too late, the family life become a sacrifice to the terrorism.
4. The husband has to take time to understand her wife, when he knew her wife, it is too late, they had given birth to sons and daughters. It is too late to called a divorce. The sons and daughter will become another victims.
5. And the wife had to follow the man behind her shadow, the terrorist, and she cannot follow her husband, the pastor's command is over turn, time after time, sooner and later, the husband will find out the problem in living with a woman who try to overturned Christianity, a woman who stopped and cancelled prayer meeting anytime she like to, a woman who over turn worship service with many plans and devices, in disturbing the worshipper with bad music, with cries and sadness, she makes the worship a contempt to the Lord, and she controlled the ministry with her will, and the woman times after times she makes the church without financial support, she stolen money from the church, and she is living as a greatest thorn to her husband, and she is happy in destroying the church, she is good in ignoring the fellowship, she will ignore the Sunday school, she will changed the time of the prayer meeting whenever she likes, she will stopped the family worship any time she likes, she will not do the visiting to any home, all these are mean less to the wife, the wife wanted other things than these spiritual things, she wanted the world, money and lust. And she is over turning the husband to follow her, with her outlooks and clothes.
6. She kept another man as her lover, and secretly the terrorist, another man control their marriage. The terrorist control the pastor though the wife as a proxy. The wife sometime had secret meeting with her secret lover the terrorist by phone, by secret meetings at work place, and sometime the wife send money secret to the terrorist in supporting the terrorism. The husband cannot do anyhting accept showing frustration through quarrels, to protest, but these quarrels cannot solve his problem at all, he is controlled by the terrorist, but the pastor husband does not have any proof to prove his conviction. No one will come to help the pastor, no one will believe a pastor had taken a terrorist as his wife.
7. The wife had taken the husband's finance resources in control, under the name or for the sake in caring the sons and daughter, she control the husband's incomes and expenses, and so she control the ministry, if the ministry is a pioneering work, this will become worsen, she is the one who run the ministry, by the her mercy, the wife may bring up and down to the ministry according to her will. The husband cannot divorce her according to his work, his belief, his testimony, his God does not allow any such divorce, so the wife usurp the power like a man, she control and lead her husband, she controls her husband in finance and authority, and she makes her husband as a donkey to ride where she want to. She ruined the servant of God, and she destroyed the work as a pastor. She even sometime tempted the husband to give up the good work as a servant of God, rather to work for the secular work. For this I say, it is better for a man not to take a wife, like the Romans Catholic. Like Paul who kept single some say. “°I you have wife do not ask for a divorce, if you are single it is better not to ask for a wife!”±8. The pastor has to be long suffering in living with a terrorist, he has the enemy in his closet, the enemy is sleeping next to him in the bed, the enemy bear sons and daughter to him, and the enemy brought constant danger to the pastor, the enemy is his wife, the Bible said, the fresh in his fresh, and the bone in her bone had become the terrorist. The husband indirectly was force to kill himself, and the pastor must be killed secretly, in sickness, in road accident, in suicide, and in what ever meant, the terrorist wanted the wife to kill the husband at last. No one come to help the pastor.
9. The terrorist drained all money, love, sex from the woman married to the pastor. The pastor was living in poverty. The pastor are living with a dried well, the wife taken everything the husband needed most from his wife woman, but the woman he loved had given these to another man, the terrorist. The pastor lived in sadness, he cried to God, the Adonai.
10. The wife will not obey her husband, but she wanted the husband to follow her where she wants to, what she wanted to do the husband must obey her, if not the wife is good in turning over her husband in giving many reason, until the husband gives up his decision. This is an over turn, great pressure in following a terrorist wife, even the pastor ws tempted to killed himself. May God help him.
11. The terrorist wife as a secret agent, are well trained by the devils and demons, she is covered up, people will not believe, if you say she is a terrorist, people will not believe she is so cruel to the husband, and this the end time, a dangerous time on earth, give thank to God if you have found a good wife, if you found your wife is not a terrorist, give a thousand thanks to God, you have found favor in God.
12. In the future, the time is becoming more and more dangerous, ex specially to the pastor, who are single, beware, in choosing a wife, in walking the narrow way, see no one taken a terrorist as a wife, if he does, he found troubles for himself. May God lead us not to temptation!
13. The pastor has to over turn his terrorist wife, a task. But it is impossible, unless the Lord helps. They are living in a warfare, the wife and husband influencing one and another, it is like iron sharpen iron. Let pray so that the pastor will makes the wife repent from terrorism and become a Christian wife.
14. There is a time to born and a time to die, I pray for the theologians, who are reading Bible, give grace to the people who are reading CUV, NKJV, NIV, and even ESV. In this dangerous time, it is good for you to stick to a Bible version which is closest to the original autograph or the perfect Bible, if you do not have the perfect Bible, do not ask for a perfect Bible. Stand fast in the Lord, for the warfare is great!
15. I say with a heavy heart to see theologians are like the secular politicians who are proclaiming empty promises, this is to say about the Verbal Plenary Preservation, who is dare to say he has the perfect Bible in the end time.
16. Many are praying the Lord, Lord, Lord, only a few to be chosen, and many people pray that the Lord to come, maranatha, may the Lord come soon, but they do not want to pray for the coming of the great wars, hungers, earthquakes, sickness, rumours of wars, pray for the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place, they do not want to pray for the coming of the tribulations, they do not want to pray for coming events in the end time. (Matthew chapter 24). Pray for the coming events of the end time and prepared for them.
17. Some do not want to pray for the gospel to the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world, but rather indulged themselves in endless genealogies of Bible versions....this is a waste of time and energy, my sons, be strong in the Lord, and let go the VPP, the end time events do not need such a perfect Bible, what we need is the faith kept pure in all age, that faith is only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ, no other places. Amen.
18. Beware there is false Christ and false prophets, and there are signs and wonders, even the elect are tempted to believed in them. Some pastors who in later time mistaken a terrorist as his wife.....
See that no one lead you astray (Matthew 24:4) Do not take a terrorist as your wife, chose your partner with two opened eyes. Amen.
A pastor is a christian, he is a Christ's follower, he must trust in God, and he some time may mistakenly taken a terrorist as a wife, under this circumstance hes is living under great pressure, great danger, to live with the wife who is following the terrorism.
“°What if the pastor's wife is a terrorist”¡± This is a question never asked in seminary, but this can be true. This is possible in the end time. The wife was probably under the grips of terrorist under some cruel men, she may be living under a threat from he terrorist, so she become a under covered agent for the terrorist, maybe her private pictures may had been taken, these pictures have become a black mail to the woman, or her family member's life is in danger, the terrorist black mailed her to work for them, or her brother's life is under the control of the terrorist, so the wife succumb and fell prey to the terrorist. The woman married to the pastor maybe controlled by the terrorist.
The woman probably has a double faces life, she is living like a angel and another time she is living like a demon, she may be a saint and a prostitute at the same time, she become a worshipper in the Lord's day but at the other day she sold her life to the world. She is the husband's wound. She ruined her husband ministry and life. And then there are times she was called to over turn her husband from doing the duties as pastor.
1. She is not spiritually filled. The devil taken her foot hold. She is demon processed, exorcism needed to free her.
2. The pastor was tempted to fell in love with her because of her beauty. And she is becoming a temptation to him. And he is living under lust and lust has taken him. The is the weapon the terrorist will use to attack the pastor, a beautiful lady, beware.
3. The wife, because she is the terrorist, sooner and later she will be practising her terror in the marriage, and because she is a undercover agents, and she has another man in her heart from the past, and the pastor is not her husband spiritually, the pastor husband knew she is not close with him heartily, but it is too late, the family life become a sacrifice to the terrorism.
4. The husband has to take time to understand her wife, when he knew her wife, it is too late, they had given birth to sons and daughters. It is too late to called a divorce. The sons and daughter will become another victims.
5. And the wife had to follow the man behind her shadow, the terrorist, and she cannot follow her husband, the pastor's command is over turn, time after time, sooner and later, the husband will find out the problem in living with a woman who try to overturned Christianity, a woman who stopped and cancelled prayer meeting anytime she like to, a woman who over turn worship service with many plans and devices, in disturbing the worshipper with bad music, with cries and sadness, she makes the worship a contempt to the Lord, and she controlled the ministry with her will, and the woman times after times she makes the church without financial support, she stolen money from the church, and she is living as a greatest thorn to her husband, and she is happy in destroying the church, she is good in ignoring the fellowship, she will ignore the Sunday school, she will changed the time of the prayer meeting whenever she likes, she will stopped the family worship any time she likes, she will not do the visiting to any home, all these are mean less to the wife, the wife wanted other things than these spiritual things, she wanted the world, money and lust. And she is over turning the husband to follow her, with her outlooks and clothes.
6. She kept another man as her lover, and secretly the terrorist, another man control their marriage. The terrorist control the pastor though the wife as a proxy. The wife sometime had secret meeting with her secret lover the terrorist by phone, by secret meetings at work place, and sometime the wife send money secret to the terrorist in supporting the terrorism. The husband cannot do anyhting accept showing frustration through quarrels, to protest, but these quarrels cannot solve his problem at all, he is controlled by the terrorist, but the pastor husband does not have any proof to prove his conviction. No one will come to help the pastor, no one will believe a pastor had taken a terrorist as his wife.
7. The wife had taken the husband's finance resources in control, under the name or for the sake in caring the sons and daughter, she control the husband's incomes and expenses, and so she control the ministry, if the ministry is a pioneering work, this will become worsen, she is the one who run the ministry, by the her mercy, the wife may bring up and down to the ministry according to her will. The husband cannot divorce her according to his work, his belief, his testimony, his God does not allow any such divorce, so the wife usurp the power like a man, she control and lead her husband, she controls her husband in finance and authority, and she makes her husband as a donkey to ride where she want to. She ruined the servant of God, and she destroyed the work as a pastor. She even sometime tempted the husband to give up the good work as a servant of God, rather to work for the secular work. For this I say, it is better for a man not to take a wife, like the Romans Catholic. Like Paul who kept single some say. “°I you have wife do not ask for a divorce, if you are single it is better not to ask for a wife!”±8. The pastor has to be long suffering in living with a terrorist, he has the enemy in his closet, the enemy is sleeping next to him in the bed, the enemy bear sons and daughter to him, and the enemy brought constant danger to the pastor, the enemy is his wife, the Bible said, the fresh in his fresh, and the bone in her bone had become the terrorist. The husband indirectly was force to kill himself, and the pastor must be killed secretly, in sickness, in road accident, in suicide, and in what ever meant, the terrorist wanted the wife to kill the husband at last. No one come to help the pastor.
9. The terrorist drained all money, love, sex from the woman married to the pastor. The pastor was living in poverty. The pastor are living with a dried well, the wife taken everything the husband needed most from his wife woman, but the woman he loved had given these to another man, the terrorist. The pastor lived in sadness, he cried to God, the Adonai.
10. The wife will not obey her husband, but she wanted the husband to follow her where she wants to, what she wanted to do the husband must obey her, if not the wife is good in turning over her husband in giving many reason, until the husband gives up his decision. This is an over turn, great pressure in following a terrorist wife, even the pastor ws tempted to killed himself. May God help him.
11. The terrorist wife as a secret agent, are well trained by the devils and demons, she is covered up, people will not believe, if you say she is a terrorist, people will not believe she is so cruel to the husband, and this the end time, a dangerous time on earth, give thank to God if you have found a good wife, if you found your wife is not a terrorist, give a thousand thanks to God, you have found favor in God.
12. In the future, the time is becoming more and more dangerous, ex specially to the pastor, who are single, beware, in choosing a wife, in walking the narrow way, see no one taken a terrorist as a wife, if he does, he found troubles for himself. May God lead us not to temptation!
13. The pastor has to over turn his terrorist wife, a task. But it is impossible, unless the Lord helps. They are living in a warfare, the wife and husband influencing one and another, it is like iron sharpen iron. Let pray so that the pastor will makes the wife repent from terrorism and become a Christian wife.
14. There is a time to born and a time to die, I pray for the theologians, who are reading Bible, give grace to the people who are reading CUV, NKJV, NIV, and even ESV. In this dangerous time, it is good for you to stick to a Bible version which is closest to the original autograph or the perfect Bible, if you do not have the perfect Bible, do not ask for a perfect Bible. Stand fast in the Lord, for the warfare is great!
15. I say with a heavy heart to see theologians are like the secular politicians who are proclaiming empty promises, this is to say about the Verbal Plenary Preservation, who is dare to say he has the perfect Bible in the end time.
16. Many are praying the Lord, Lord, Lord, only a few to be chosen, and many people pray that the Lord to come, maranatha, may the Lord come soon, but they do not want to pray for the coming of the great wars, hungers, earthquakes, sickness, rumours of wars, pray for the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place, they do not want to pray for the coming of the tribulations, they do not want to pray for coming events in the end time. (Matthew chapter 24). Pray for the coming events of the end time and prepared for them.
17. Some do not want to pray for the gospel to the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world, but rather indulged themselves in endless genealogies of Bible versions....this is a waste of time and energy, my sons, be strong in the Lord, and let go the VPP, the end time events do not need such a perfect Bible, what we need is the faith kept pure in all age, that faith is only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ, no other places. Amen.
18. Beware there is false Christ and false prophets, and there are signs and wonders, even the elect are tempted to believed in them. Some pastors who in later time mistaken a terrorist as his wife.....
See that no one lead you astray (Matthew 24:4) Do not take a terrorist as your wife, chose your partner with two opened eyes. Amen.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
The Gold dust prayer meeting

I heard this strange story from a Christian pastor, and he told me he heard this story from someone he knew very well, and he told me it happened only a few years ago, I went to investigate about this strange story. I also heard something about it from another person, a few days ago, I believe some one is trying to tell me that the story happened. Let me conveyed to you what I heard, about a strange prayer meeting and strange phenomena and strange gospel are all about.
Few years ago, a group of Christian leaders conducted a prayer meeting, a strange thing happened during that prayer meeting, gold dust were found on the people who were praying in that prayer meeting, and a prophecy was told among them, that "revival must come to the country through them!"
My dear, I never come across anything like this, gold dust fallen from thin air onto the Christian who were praying, even from page one to last page in the Bible, I never see anything like this before in the church history, correct me if I am wrong!
These church leaders believed God must bless Christian materially, Christianity must comes together with health and wealth, if you are poor, materially, then you must check your salvation! They believe in the Gospel of wealth and health. Faith and Word movement!
I spend few years, in testing this phenomena of "gold dust" and the prophecy that "revival must come though them." What I found out about these Christian leaders. Did they become richer or healthier? Maybe or maybe not. Did revival come through them to the country? Let me continue with my study with this "health and wealth" teaching in these churches.
One day, I visited a friend, he is not a believer, he told me, he was invited to go to a church, because the church will bless him with wealth and health, he told me, he was invited to such a church, because the people there told him, God is able to bless his business if he believe in God, nothing about sinner seeking repentance or seeking the salvation from God.
It is true after some investigations, the churches which believed in that "revival must come through them," preached and stressed more and more about wealth and health rather than telling people about the simple plan of salvation from Jesus Christ. To them the health and wealth are the biggest attraction to the world, so they preached the messagse of health and wealth, health and wealth must come to the hearers before they are asked to receive the gospel, both must come before salvation. This is the kind of gospel and revival they sought and preached until today.
Another day, I was invited to another prayer meeting, this time we come together to pray for a sick woman, and she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her husband is a pastor, he prayed for her, then the husband requested the leaders also pray for his wife, the husband asked the wife to stand in front the leaders and elders, and he rebuked his wife openly, saying that, his wife has no faith in God, that is why her sickness was not healed by God. I was shocked and stunned to hear such a words came out from a pastor in a prayer meeting asking for healing, from a pastor who does believed, preached the gospel of "health and wealth," a pastor who believed in "revival must come through them!"
I was sad to see the wife was rebuked in such a way in her last moment on earth, in her sickness and pains, after toiling and living together with her husband for so many years, now because of her breast cancer, she was rebuked by her husband pastor publicly, that she has no faith in God.
I am very sad and disturb to see a husband did that to a sick wife! What a cruel hate in him to her! This is the pastor who preached the gospel health and wealth, this is the pastor once preached that "revival must come through them not through other!" What a prayer meeting! This event haunted me for many years in my family life! Hate and cruel hidden behind the love of God! failing in healing is sign of no faith in God. What a testing to us!
During the first particular strange prayer meeting I heard earlier, gold dust was found on them, and they believed that is a sign from God. A blessing from God. Some one prophecy during that prayer meeting.
What may happened to that prayer meeting actually. I supposed someone felt good about the finding of the gold dust on them, and he or she prophecies something which was making people to feel good about themselves, unreasonable and to mislead the hearers, so and I proposed that prophecies has no basis at all.
Secondly, I supposed someone had secretly thrown some gold dust to them when they were praying with eyes closed, that is why we heard about that strange phenomena gold dust from God. With further investigations, I proposed to them that incident had nothing to do with the prophecy followed.
I proposed that particular sign and wonder, in that prayer meeting was man made, it is fake, gold dust was not a sign from God. Gold dust is misleading, some of them was cheated indirectly, gold dust indicating God is going to bless them with wealth! The love of the money is evil. See how much troubles in pursuing wealth....the thorns choked the spiritual growth of a saint.
Who know what actually happened in that prayer meeting? That prophecy needed time to be proven true, time will tell us, weather "revival came to them first or not," does revival come in "health" and "wealth?" Revival comes by gold dust?
Churches in the end time are seeking revival from God, and prophecy comes even with gold dust, some of them claimed that revival must come through them first, this is quite a proud statement, why not other, but why must come through them first, and then to other? Why they claimed like this, is it because of a small bottle of gold dust? Why we have to believe in a lie like this without further investigation? A bottle of gold dust cost how much to the church?
My dear, true health, true wealth, true sign and true wonders, all come from God, these things cannot saved any one on earth. But Jesus Christ is! Nothing can separate a man from the love from God, God is love.
Romans 8:28-39
More Than Conquerors
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written:
"For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May God heal us, and provide us with true richness, Amen!
Friday, 15 May 2009
The sealing for the country
My God and my Help, the evil and wicked terrorist wanted to turn over a young man, and wanted to create an road accident to kill him, thank God in preserving his life, by this I call onto you to turn them over. May God protect us in going in and going out.
May God come and smashed the political parties which are involving in the terrorism, racism, murdering and corruptions.
May the Lord bless those good lawyers and good doctors who are standing at the front line in guarding the nation from falling, may God double Your blessing unto them, may the light from the Almighty God shine upon the good lawyers and good doctors, let the land be freed from the grips of evil and wickedness, may God sealed this country with His protection, I prayed this prayer in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
God never forget our country, in this go and fight, and won the battle, in this may God sealed the heart of the good lawyers and good doctors with thousand generations of blessing! in this go, let your hands be great for the land. This is the days our people will never forget about the good lawyers and good doctors, amen!
The country will be turn over and be changed!
May God come and smashed the political parties which are involving in the terrorism, racism, murdering and corruptions.
May the Lord bless those good lawyers and good doctors who are standing at the front line in guarding the nation from falling, may God double Your blessing unto them, may the light from the Almighty God shine upon the good lawyers and good doctors, let the land be freed from the grips of evil and wickedness, may God sealed this country with His protection, I prayed this prayer in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
God never forget our country, in this go and fight, and won the battle, in this may God sealed the heart of the good lawyers and good doctors with thousand generations of blessing! in this go, let your hands be great for the land. This is the days our people will never forget about the good lawyers and good doctors, amen!
The country will be turn over and be changed!
From Mars with Love
SOS, SOS, the people in the earth.
We found out in United Nation, have a few agents speaking for terrorism, and we are sure that there are some terrorists in our United Nation building walking freely, acting like an angel of peace.
Please help us, come over to search and destroy those secret agents in our United Nation head quarter in Mars, as soon as possible, our Mars world are under the siege of the enemies, and we are invaded since 911, please sent you war ships to Mars to help us, to fight the enemies, thank you very much....
The Secretary of United Nation of Mars.
Mr. Sonata Mayday
15-5-2009 Mars Year
We found out in United Nation, have a few agents speaking for terrorism, and we are sure that there are some terrorists in our United Nation building walking freely, acting like an angel of peace.
Please help us, come over to search and destroy those secret agents in our United Nation head quarter in Mars, as soon as possible, our Mars world are under the siege of the enemies, and we are invaded since 911, please sent you war ships to Mars to help us, to fight the enemies, thank you very much....
The Secretary of United Nation of Mars.
Mr. Sonata Mayday
15-5-2009 Mars Year
A passover is coming
My sons, be persevere, waiting with me until all these events to pass over, time is come, that after 40 years that cruel bloodshed, the revenge is here, and the time is nearer and nearer to settle it once for all, we have to go through these so that we may become mature, because a generation of people waiting for 40 years to see God's revenge and answer on that incident. We will not fear about it any more and never forget that incident! Be brave about it, and talk about, and stand for it!
That day, a group of bandits had killed and murdered and shed many innocent blood, and for that event, the revenge is come from sky above, and every one that involved in that incident will be paid and dealt accordingly.
When the time of trouble, call onto the Name of Messiah, and you will be saved. Amen.
That day, a group of bandits had killed and murdered and shed many innocent blood, and for that event, the revenge is come from sky above, and every one that involved in that incident will be paid and dealt accordingly.
When the time of trouble, call onto the Name of Messiah, and you will be saved. Amen.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Revelation Chapter 2, Church of Pergamum with VPP
Revelation 2:12-17
Woe to the homosexual immoral, the child abuser and human killer, woe to the false teachers and woe to the towns and cities who compromised to sin and evil!
2:12, Pergamum is north of Ephesus, it is in a valley, very near to the sea side, a Asia capital. In the city, there are many pagan temples, there was temple to worship Caesar, a place to worship Satan. (in Chapter 2 verse 13, Satan has a throne. Satan was living as a king.)
2:13, Some were put to death, for they were faithful. They were witnessing for Adonai, but they were killed. Someone says the king used a bronze pot to cook and toast the Christians. One of the witness was Antipas, he was not worshipping the king, but a man who witnessed for the Lord. The believers in this church, was praised by God in faithfulness. They kept on believing even they were killed and tortured, this are the most valuable and unique things about them.
2:14, Balaam was a Old Testament's prophet, he did not bring the people into the right path, he went to a new path, (like those theologians who taught new and strange doctrines like the VPP.) Balaam misled the Israelites into Moab, and he made them to follow pagans' customs. (Number 22-24, 31). He was a compromised prophet, leading the congregation to unite with the world, they committed the sin of spiritual adultery. (James 4:4)
Some teachers had gone too far, even compromised in homosexual immorality, gay, man and man in sexual act, woman married with woman, these are sinful and lustful, even Buddhist and Muslim were against this great and grievous sin. But some so called Christians pastors had accepted homosexual and they ordained gay to be Bishops, and they married gay and lesbians, what a shame. Jude 7, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire, because of the sin of homosexual! But these pastor did not fear of the coming judgement.
2:15, there was the teaching of Nicolaitans, they were the false theologians, false teachers, false prophets, (Rev. 2:6) They taught that Christians may worship the idols in the towns, they were like Balaam! They taught them they may allow immorality. They taught there is no absolute truth, they were our modern day post modernist, they were the modernist, they were the stumbling blocks to the believers, they were comprising so that they were accepted into the society, they did not practice any separatist stand in combating worldliness, they did this in hoping the world may accept the Gospel, this is wrong!
2:16, Whole Purgamum needed to repent, no excuse in compromising, we have to repent from the Nicolaitans' teachings, those who tolerant with the Nicolaitans also must repent! They were sinful, in tolerant, allowing these false teaching to spread in the congregation!
Soon the punishment is here, “the sword of the mouth” is coming, they who committed those sins will be punished like those who followed Jezebel! God will fight with the false teachers, false theologians, false politicians, they will face the sword of God, from God's mouth, come the sword!
2:7, God had given us “the hidden manna,” when Messiah comes to the earth, he will bring to the “overcomer” the heavenly food, the heavenly bread. This is still hidden to Israelites, even to the pagans. So we must confessed and believe in the Messiah, then we may received the bread from heaven.
God will also give the “overcomer” a white stone, this is a token of forgiveness, a white stone given to us, to certify we are forgiven as sinless, righteous, because our sins are forgiven.
The black stone is not good, the black stone means we are sinful, means we are still sinful, so do not kiss the black stone, do not embrace the black stone, kiss the white stone, embrace the white stone!
The white stone means we have a white washed life. We have the crown of life, we are given a new life, the second life, and there is no more a second death for the over comer like you. You who have this white stone will be invited into the heaven to eat and dinned in the feast in heaven, with angels and with Abraham, Moses and Jacob we met.
You will receive a new name written on that white stone, and we have begin a new relationship in heaven, a new identity in heaven. Your old man with that old name will be passed into history, erased, your past will be forgiven! (Read Isaiah 62:2, 65:15)
May God bless you, keep away from gay, lesbians, homosexual immorality, it is a time for repent and reconcile with God, may God lead you out of the false hood and let Him forgive our sins.
VPP is a new path, and please be rush, come out from this false teaching! Hence you will be called a faithful witness! And let us die in defending CUV and NKJV! May God bless us! Let Messiah find you are one of those faithful one when He come. The Bible is the Word of God, the Double edges Sword.
Greeting you in the Name of the Messiah!
Woe to the homosexual immoral, the child abuser and human killer, woe to the false teachers and woe to the towns and cities who compromised to sin and evil!
2:12, Pergamum is north of Ephesus, it is in a valley, very near to the sea side, a Asia capital. In the city, there are many pagan temples, there was temple to worship Caesar, a place to worship Satan. (in Chapter 2 verse 13, Satan has a throne. Satan was living as a king.)
2:13, Some were put to death, for they were faithful. They were witnessing for Adonai, but they were killed. Someone says the king used a bronze pot to cook and toast the Christians. One of the witness was Antipas, he was not worshipping the king, but a man who witnessed for the Lord. The believers in this church, was praised by God in faithfulness. They kept on believing even they were killed and tortured, this are the most valuable and unique things about them.
2:14, Balaam was a Old Testament's prophet, he did not bring the people into the right path, he went to a new path, (like those theologians who taught new and strange doctrines like the VPP.) Balaam misled the Israelites into Moab, and he made them to follow pagans' customs. (Number 22-24, 31). He was a compromised prophet, leading the congregation to unite with the world, they committed the sin of spiritual adultery. (James 4:4)
Some teachers had gone too far, even compromised in homosexual immorality, gay, man and man in sexual act, woman married with woman, these are sinful and lustful, even Buddhist and Muslim were against this great and grievous sin. But some so called Christians pastors had accepted homosexual and they ordained gay to be Bishops, and they married gay and lesbians, what a shame. Jude 7, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire, because of the sin of homosexual! But these pastor did not fear of the coming judgement.
2:15, there was the teaching of Nicolaitans, they were the false theologians, false teachers, false prophets, (Rev. 2:6) They taught that Christians may worship the idols in the towns, they were like Balaam! They taught them they may allow immorality. They taught there is no absolute truth, they were our modern day post modernist, they were the modernist, they were the stumbling blocks to the believers, they were comprising so that they were accepted into the society, they did not practice any separatist stand in combating worldliness, they did this in hoping the world may accept the Gospel, this is wrong!
2:16, Whole Purgamum needed to repent, no excuse in compromising, we have to repent from the Nicolaitans' teachings, those who tolerant with the Nicolaitans also must repent! They were sinful, in tolerant, allowing these false teaching to spread in the congregation!
Soon the punishment is here, “the sword of the mouth” is coming, they who committed those sins will be punished like those who followed Jezebel! God will fight with the false teachers, false theologians, false politicians, they will face the sword of God, from God's mouth, come the sword!
2:7, God had given us “the hidden manna,” when Messiah comes to the earth, he will bring to the “overcomer” the heavenly food, the heavenly bread. This is still hidden to Israelites, even to the pagans. So we must confessed and believe in the Messiah, then we may received the bread from heaven.
God will also give the “overcomer” a white stone, this is a token of forgiveness, a white stone given to us, to certify we are forgiven as sinless, righteous, because our sins are forgiven.
The black stone is not good, the black stone means we are sinful, means we are still sinful, so do not kiss the black stone, do not embrace the black stone, kiss the white stone, embrace the white stone!
The white stone means we have a white washed life. We have the crown of life, we are given a new life, the second life, and there is no more a second death for the over comer like you. You who have this white stone will be invited into the heaven to eat and dinned in the feast in heaven, with angels and with Abraham, Moses and Jacob we met.
You will receive a new name written on that white stone, and we have begin a new relationship in heaven, a new identity in heaven. Your old man with that old name will be passed into history, erased, your past will be forgiven! (Read Isaiah 62:2, 65:15)
May God bless you, keep away from gay, lesbians, homosexual immorality, it is a time for repent and reconcile with God, may God lead you out of the false hood and let Him forgive our sins.
VPP is a new path, and please be rush, come out from this false teaching! Hence you will be called a faithful witness! And let us die in defending CUV and NKJV! May God bless us! Let Messiah find you are one of those faithful one when He come. The Bible is the Word of God, the Double edges Sword.
Greeting you in the Name of the Messiah!
Revelation Chapter 2, church of Smyrna and VPP
Revelation 2:8-11
Smyrna was in today Turkey, it was a famous industrial and business centre. Smyrna was a very beautiful town, and in it, there were many kinds of religions and beliefs, and each of their followers set up their religious temples and places of worship in Smyrna, and they even built their head quarter in Smyrna.
There was a temple which was worshiping the king, Caesar, they worshipped the Romans king as god, as a divine king! So there was a big temple built to worship king Tiberius.
And there lived a small community of Jews, they were very powerful, and influential, but they compromised with Romans, they too sometimes oppressed their own the Jews and Christians.
The secular Jews and orthodox Jews, are they in good term? Do they make friends to Christians?
2:9-10, There we found a group of true believer! The church or the synagogue in Smyrna was found faithful, the were faithful to Adonai, to the Messiah, so here we can see they were standing faithfully, to the truth, stand for Adonai.
So Adonai did not rebuke them, furthermore Adonai expected them to be persecuted, from day one onward, from step one onward, they must expected to be tortured and persecuted! This is the fact Adonai revealed to them!
To the Israelites, do not fear, and do not be self righteous, but be patient, and persevere, even unto death you must be faithful to Adonai! (Galatians 5:22)
2:11, We must depend on Adonai, our LORD, we must call on Him, Jesus Christ, He can give the power to overcome the second death, the death of a soul, that second death is the everlasting death, but Adonai saved those who called onto Him, amen.
I am dying, but Adonai, He give me a new life beyond death, one day the pains and troubles in the world will passed away, those who were suffering for the sake of Adonai will be rewarded, they will received a eternal life. Amen.
My dear, see that the coming of Messiah is nearer, and He expected us to be persecuted in some ways, but why are those theologians who are teaching VPP persecuted the CUV readers, and the NKJV and ESV readers?
Are you being persecuted in reading the CUV and NKJV! If yes, you are like a member in Smyrna....
Smyrna was in today Turkey, it was a famous industrial and business centre. Smyrna was a very beautiful town, and in it, there were many kinds of religions and beliefs, and each of their followers set up their religious temples and places of worship in Smyrna, and they even built their head quarter in Smyrna.
There was a temple which was worshiping the king, Caesar, they worshipped the Romans king as god, as a divine king! So there was a big temple built to worship king Tiberius.
And there lived a small community of Jews, they were very powerful, and influential, but they compromised with Romans, they too sometimes oppressed their own the Jews and Christians.
The secular Jews and orthodox Jews, are they in good term? Do they make friends to Christians?
2:9-10, There we found a group of true believer! The church or the synagogue in Smyrna was found faithful, the were faithful to Adonai, to the Messiah, so here we can see they were standing faithfully, to the truth, stand for Adonai.
So Adonai did not rebuke them, furthermore Adonai expected them to be persecuted, from day one onward, from step one onward, they must expected to be tortured and persecuted! This is the fact Adonai revealed to them!
To the Israelites, do not fear, and do not be self righteous, but be patient, and persevere, even unto death you must be faithful to Adonai! (Galatians 5:22)
2:11, We must depend on Adonai, our LORD, we must call on Him, Jesus Christ, He can give the power to overcome the second death, the death of a soul, that second death is the everlasting death, but Adonai saved those who called onto Him, amen.
I am dying, but Adonai, He give me a new life beyond death, one day the pains and troubles in the world will passed away, those who were suffering for the sake of Adonai will be rewarded, they will received a eternal life. Amen.
My dear, see that the coming of Messiah is nearer, and He expected us to be persecuted in some ways, but why are those theologians who are teaching VPP persecuted the CUV readers, and the NKJV and ESV readers?
Are you being persecuted in reading the CUV and NKJV! If yes, you are like a member in Smyrna....
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
I pray for another turn over
Adonai, my God, my Helper, my Hope and my shield, my eternal judge and protector, I pray for another turn over.
Adonai, please turn over the parliament, turn over the persons who had done wickedness to the country, turn over them one by one, until the parliament be turned over. My God, heavenly Father please hear my pray for your people who are suffering and oppressed.
Let it be, if this is God's will, may God come and sent out thy light in the Parliament, strike the witches and destroy the witchcraft and the talismans, may God bless every parliament members with wisdom from above. May God sent into that corrupted hall a legion of heavenly armies and guarded them day and night with sword of fire, and the door and window will be shielded by the power of the Most High God, and let the racists and terrorists be punished publicly, may Your kingdom come.
May God bless the members, from going out and going in the parliament, I pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Adonai, please turn over the parliament, turn over the persons who had done wickedness to the country, turn over them one by one, until the parliament be turned over. My God, heavenly Father please hear my pray for your people who are suffering and oppressed.
Let it be, if this is God's will, may God come and sent out thy light in the Parliament, strike the witches and destroy the witchcraft and the talismans, may God bless every parliament members with wisdom from above. May God sent into that corrupted hall a legion of heavenly armies and guarded them day and night with sword of fire, and the door and window will be shielded by the power of the Most High God, and let the racists and terrorists be punished publicly, may Your kingdom come.
May God bless the members, from going out and going in the parliament, I pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
To the theologians, if you say you are like Gandhi, no, I do not think so, I dare not to say I am like Gandhi, he is greater than me in term of his strong courage, his love for his country, his gentleness, God forbid me to compare myself to this great man!
And if the theologians are insisting to say they are like Gandhi, ask them a simple question, did Gandhi ever take up a knife, to point to any one for the sake of this nationalism, for the sake of his race, for the sake of the future, for the sake of independent, for the sake of religion, did he ever said he is going to shed some one's blood in pursuing his career and his ambition. Did he ever throw out a man from his house, did he? No, Gandhi never did those things...even an Indian snake charmer knew that! Did Gandhi preached anything like a terrorist? Never!
Did Gandhi ever take up a knife in his life to fight, to protect his country? But from him a great democratic country was born. We Christians must learn something from him! We better humbly say we are not worthy to compare ourselves to him!
And if the theologians are insisting to say they are like Gandhi, ask them a simple question, did Gandhi ever take up a knife, to point to any one for the sake of this nationalism, for the sake of his race, for the sake of the future, for the sake of independent, for the sake of religion, did he ever said he is going to shed some one's blood in pursuing his career and his ambition. Did he ever throw out a man from his house, did he? No, Gandhi never did those things...even an Indian snake charmer knew that! Did Gandhi preached anything like a terrorist? Never!
Did Gandhi ever take up a knife in his life to fight, to protect his country? But from him a great democratic country was born. We Christians must learn something from him! We better humbly say we are not worthy to compare ourselves to him!
Walk with a stick to patrol

The false prophets, false teachers, false apostles taught people like this, do you believe this?
They taught, corruption is not a corruption,
extremist is not a extremist,
killing is not a killing,
murder is not a murder,
adultery is not an adultery,
fornication is not a fornication,
racism is not a racism,
terrorism is not a terrorism,
war is not a war,
black is not a black,
white is not a white, if these are done under the pretext of the name of "religion."
What a shame! This is so called their education system! Brain washed! So to these theologians, poison is not a poison, if it is sugar coated!
I wrote in the blog, we have to walk like Gandhi with a stick, (this is what I meant, we cannot compared ourselves with Gandhi, he is greater than many Christians in his attitude and behaviour. What I meant is to patrol the country with a stick.) Why I recommended that we better walk with a long bamboo stick, because our world is not safe any more like in the past! The robbers, the thieves and killers are running wild and freely on earth!
They said we are proud in walking like Gandhi, we are self praising, and they said that is not praise at all. They try to twist my words.
But the false teacher teaches, a man may bomb, kill, murder, lie, cheat, let lose the criminal on the road, in the pretext of the word religion, they wanted people to become a racist and terrorist. They are saying, we better don't become a Gandhi, rather it is better to become a terrorist like Osama Bin Laden, that is their hero! No wonder! The nut in the shell!
Aren't the false teachers proud of Osama Bin Laden! Sure, they are proud of him, they praised him, you see their eyes, they can tell you the truth! But sad to say, a bandit is a bandit, a terrorist is still a terrorist, no matter what the terrorist believed, no matter what his religion is, a killer is still a killer. Cut the line clear...., i said this to shame false teachers, and their terrorists!
You are not a terrorist, so do not be angry, why angry?
Let people do a survey, what religion in the world do those cruel things? Those corruptions, preaching terrorism, killing, bombing.....No even one holy book in all the religions in the world commanding his people to bomb for the sake of his religion! No one religion recommend do this! No even one holy Book in the whole world that wrote, "We must bomb...."
Show me where in your holy Bible, which book, which chapter, which verse, in your so called holy book, stated this word "bomb." No, even in our Bible, we cannot find a word, "bomb" Not even in the perfect Bible, or the KJV, so why our theologians encourage people to fight over a few missing words? Are our theologians not aware the world is in the danger of destruction caused by terrorism! We must fight terrorism!
That is why i wrote here, we have to walk with a bamboo stick, to hit the terrorists, and the snakes, the "naga pambu." I told you before! If you cannot find any bamboo stick, you better carry along a tick sugar cane!
Monday, 11 May 2009
Cities for refuge
King David was a man of God, and he was chosen when he was still young, and he killed the giant Goliath, and he was installed to be the second king to replace king Saul.
King David loved a beautiful married woman Bathsheba, in order to get this woman, King David purposely sent his husband to the front line, so that he will be killed by the enemy. The husband obeyed the king, he respected the king, he trusted the king, he sacrifice for his country even for his king, but the king killed him indirectly, king David is guilty in shedding his blood indirectly. He admit that later in 2 Samuel 12
2 Samuel 12
The LORD sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, "There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor....David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, "As surely as the LORD lives, the man who did this deserves to die!
...Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan replied, "The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die...."
It is by Adonai, in His grace He had preserved David's throne and and Adonai spared him from death, and his kingdom contiuned...
1. And so we must not kill any one indirectly!
2. God had spared you, you better spared other, we sometime are acting like a killer. Did King David kill a man? Answer this if you are wise!
3. And those who are found corrupted, in racism, as killer, as murderer, money swindler, liars, extremist, terrorists, never admit they have any thing wrong about themselves, but they put up a show of "piety" and they called themselves "religious" and they use religion as a gain, working and living as the "pious man" and people are fooled to call them the "reformer" for his country, they called me a mad guy in writing this draft. And they said they are educated and the world are under their foot, and they do not fear God, that is why there are so many killings, and the murderers are running lose!
4. Give the murderer a city as an escape, even the Israelites build many cities in the past, Numbers 35:6 "Six of the towns you give the Levites will be cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone may flee. In addition, give them forty-two other towns."
King David loved a beautiful married woman Bathsheba, in order to get this woman, King David purposely sent his husband to the front line, so that he will be killed by the enemy. The husband obeyed the king, he respected the king, he trusted the king, he sacrifice for his country even for his king, but the king killed him indirectly, king David is guilty in shedding his blood indirectly. He admit that later in 2 Samuel 12
2 Samuel 12
The LORD sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, "There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor....David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, "As surely as the LORD lives, the man who did this deserves to die!
...Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan replied, "The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die...."
It is by Adonai, in His grace He had preserved David's throne and and Adonai spared him from death, and his kingdom contiuned...
1. And so we must not kill any one indirectly!
2. God had spared you, you better spared other, we sometime are acting like a killer. Did King David kill a man? Answer this if you are wise!
3. And those who are found corrupted, in racism, as killer, as murderer, money swindler, liars, extremist, terrorists, never admit they have any thing wrong about themselves, but they put up a show of "piety" and they called themselves "religious" and they use religion as a gain, working and living as the "pious man" and people are fooled to call them the "reformer" for his country, they called me a mad guy in writing this draft. And they said they are educated and the world are under their foot, and they do not fear God, that is why there are so many killings, and the murderers are running lose!
4. Give the murderer a city as an escape, even the Israelites build many cities in the past, Numbers 35:6 "Six of the towns you give the Levites will be cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone may flee. In addition, give them forty-two other towns."
Jordanian king: Obama working on comprehensive peace deal


Posted: 11-05-2009 , 07:49 GMT
Jordan King Abdullah:
Washington is putting the final touches to an ambitious peace plan for the Middle East, Jordan’s King Abdullah has told the Times of London. The Obama Administration is pushing for a comprehensive peace deal that would include settling Israel’s dispute with the Palestinians and its territorial disputes with Syria and Lebanon, King Abdullah II was quoted as saying on Monday by The Times. Failure to reach agreement at this critical juncture would draw the world into a new Middle East war next year, the monarch noted. “If we delay our peace negotiations, then there is going to be another conflict between Arabs or Muslims and Israel in the next 12-18 months,” the King said.
Details of the plan are likely to be finalized in a series of high profile meetings during May. Among them is President Obama’s talks with Israel's Premier Binyamin Netanyahu, next week in the White House.
“What we are talking about is not Israelis and Palestinians sitting at the table, but Israelis sitting with Palestinians, Israelis sitting with Syrians, Israelis sitting with Lebanese,” said the King. According to him, if Obama did not make good his promise for peace, then his credibility would evaporate overnight.
The Jordanian leader told the British publication that the new plan includes a “57-state solution”, whereby the Arab and Islamic nations would recognise the Jewish state as part of the deal. “We are offering a third of the world to meet them with open arms,” said the King. “The future is not the Jordan river or the Golan Heights or the Sinai, the future is Morocco in the Atlantic and Indonesia in the Pacific. That is the prize.”
© 2009 Al Bawaba (
I pray for another turn over
I had prayed to my God, and He is the Adonai, to send a legion of heavenly army to take over the House, and then bound the evil spirit in that House immediately. Amen. And I had prayed to God after this, may God also sent them another legion of heavenly armies into the palaces and take over the grips of the evil spirits, and the spirits of the pirates must be sent home in the sea! May God rise up another king to take over the throne, he is a man with a humble spirit and a heart with gold and a man with mustard ???? And a man with a good pair of eyes, whom he oversees the welfare of the people, and the land be freed from the grips of terrorism and extremist, this is a prayer for my people in all races.
Great God, my Adonai, thank you for sending your servants into Israel, and the land of Moses had been prepared, may God shown us a sign in heaven to confirm the agreement, may God hear my prayer. And Moses stopped at Mt Nebo, and Joshua had given some grace to the pagan to live with them! Even Joshua the great worrier had signed a agreement with the locals, and that agreement is still binding until today. Amen. Adonai had sent you blessings upon blessings, it is a time for you to bless other, in the beginning they have their own land, but now they already moved into your land, closer to you, if they are really poor and needy and they had came to you, before that they have their lands and places to stay that is before moving into your land, but now they have moved into your place, if that is the case, they needed a land to stay in your land, if they already occupy the land as a neighbour, give them the corner lot, gracefully, imminent, give them in the Name of Adonai, and you will see the gate is opened for you and them, and live in a peaceful time, and prepare when the war in coming. And then you build that house of God, and worship in that! May Adonai's will be done. Amen.
And there are theologians who are still waiting and waiting for the perfect Bible to be printed, and to be read, and to be distribute, are these the foolish servants, who had bitten the fellows in Christ...and when Adonai come back, they will be punished for the quarrel about the perfect Bible.
And lo, and I said again, protect all the versions of the Bible, without prejudice, and some versions are nearer to the original and some are not, but the fruit of the mouth is thanksgiving, so give thank, Adonai do not want your sacrifices and burnt offering, He want your heart, and continue to seek His forgiveness, and soon He will give you a better land in heaven, and do not fight over a few missing pages, and BP is not belong to one or two old pastors, but BP churches are belongs to Adonai, give Adonai the honor, He will become greater, the honour is due, and you must be come lesser!
Peace and grace from the Lord and the Heavenly Father, Amen.
Great God, my Adonai, thank you for sending your servants into Israel, and the land of Moses had been prepared, may God shown us a sign in heaven to confirm the agreement, may God hear my prayer. And Moses stopped at Mt Nebo, and Joshua had given some grace to the pagan to live with them! Even Joshua the great worrier had signed a agreement with the locals, and that agreement is still binding until today. Amen. Adonai had sent you blessings upon blessings, it is a time for you to bless other, in the beginning they have their own land, but now they already moved into your land, closer to you, if they are really poor and needy and they had came to you, before that they have their lands and places to stay that is before moving into your land, but now they have moved into your place, if that is the case, they needed a land to stay in your land, if they already occupy the land as a neighbour, give them the corner lot, gracefully, imminent, give them in the Name of Adonai, and you will see the gate is opened for you and them, and live in a peaceful time, and prepare when the war in coming. And then you build that house of God, and worship in that! May Adonai's will be done. Amen.
And there are theologians who are still waiting and waiting for the perfect Bible to be printed, and to be read, and to be distribute, are these the foolish servants, who had bitten the fellows in Christ...and when Adonai come back, they will be punished for the quarrel about the perfect Bible.
And lo, and I said again, protect all the versions of the Bible, without prejudice, and some versions are nearer to the original and some are not, but the fruit of the mouth is thanksgiving, so give thank, Adonai do not want your sacrifices and burnt offering, He want your heart, and continue to seek His forgiveness, and soon He will give you a better land in heaven, and do not fight over a few missing pages, and BP is not belong to one or two old pastors, but BP churches are belongs to Adonai, give Adonai the honor, He will become greater, the honour is due, and you must be come lesser!
Peace and grace from the Lord and the Heavenly Father, Amen.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
What is your race?
When a fire broke out and people phoned the fire department, and the firemen asked the caller, "What is your race?" When an accident happened at the roadside, and the people called the ambulance, and the medical officer asked the caller, "What is your race?"
And when a strange sickness and flu broke out in the country, and the king ignored the sickness the people were facing, and he went to play with the dugong at the sea side, he told his friends he is swimming with a baby dugong, a cute one, and another pink big dugong jumped over, and they swam across the South Chinese Sea with the pink dugongs. And he was telling the world, he loved the pink dugong more than those people who were sick. A dugong was more important than those people who were sick and dying!
And now they were asking people what kind of colour of the skin, when people hurt in the accident, and people are lying in the pool of blood, and they asked what race they are! And when their houses are burning with fire, and they are asking what race the victim are, and are more interested in what colour you having.
Skin colour and race are so much important in that land, do you know that?
"Should we become a pink young cute frog so that they will come to rescue us?"
That is why the people are living in dire desperate, and that is why people are suffering under racism and oppression, they are quarreling on the telephone, over the race and skin colour, and the people who is hurt dead on the road! That is why the people are not living in harmony!
And they proudly broadcast to the world, come over to their country, they have brown, yellow, black, grey, red, blue, orange colour skin, so much so they also have many coloured dugong at the river side, come over and see for yourself how they lived together, so much so they kiss and hug each other when they look at each other, and forget what colour they are having, and you will amazed that their people do not know what "racism" is all about! Come, they have beautiful sea shore, beautiful monkeys and clowns along the jungles...please visit their great and harmonious multiracial country, where you can found no one doing corruption!
What is your race? That is the most important thing!
And when a strange sickness and flu broke out in the country, and the king ignored the sickness the people were facing, and he went to play with the dugong at the sea side, he told his friends he is swimming with a baby dugong, a cute one, and another pink big dugong jumped over, and they swam across the South Chinese Sea with the pink dugongs. And he was telling the world, he loved the pink dugong more than those people who were sick. A dugong was more important than those people who were sick and dying!
And now they were asking people what kind of colour of the skin, when people hurt in the accident, and people are lying in the pool of blood, and they asked what race they are! And when their houses are burning with fire, and they are asking what race the victim are, and are more interested in what colour you having.
Skin colour and race are so much important in that land, do you know that?
"Should we become a pink young cute frog so that they will come to rescue us?"
That is why the people are living in dire desperate, and that is why people are suffering under racism and oppression, they are quarreling on the telephone, over the race and skin colour, and the people who is hurt dead on the road! That is why the people are not living in harmony!
And they proudly broadcast to the world, come over to their country, they have brown, yellow, black, grey, red, blue, orange colour skin, so much so they also have many coloured dugong at the river side, come over and see for yourself how they lived together, so much so they kiss and hug each other when they look at each other, and forget what colour they are having, and you will amazed that their people do not know what "racism" is all about! Come, they have beautiful sea shore, beautiful monkeys and clowns along the jungles...please visit their great and harmonious multiracial country, where you can found no one doing corruption!
What is your race? That is the most important thing!
Do you have common sense?
The people wanted a good government, not a government with empty talkers, not with sweet talkers, not with liars, not with racism, not with terrorism, nor a corrupter, nor with money swindlers, nor with murderers, nor with killers, that simple! You get what they meant!
They did not ask for a perfect man, a simple, but a man who loved the country, not a businessman, not a theologian, not a greedy man with one eye, one hand and one leg crippled, but a man with nationalism, a man with patriotism, not for his race, but for all races, a man without prejudice, he is a man hard to find...
Do not make thing difficult for the people, they are innocent in voting you, maybe they trusted in you, but do not oppress them, if they do not trust in you any more, please do not try to threaten them with threats, that is simple! Listen when they are talking, or when they are giving their view, do not silent them! Before you are elected, you promised to protect them and you swear in front of God, to be royal to this country. If you do not see this as well, you are making thing difficult to handle for yourselves. Especially when we are living in a multiracial and global situation. Have a bit of common sense.
Do not talk proudly, wanted to kill a human race, torture a human race, oppress a human race, disturb a human race, and jail a human race, God created a human race on earth, you cannot do this silently, God know what you have done, and God let them survive on earth, and you wanted to destroy a human race, are you greater than God? Who do you think you are, what do think about yourself, why do you see yourself so highly, higher than God?
Even if you are acting for the sake of the country, sincerely for your race, or to justify your own belief, in killing a man, you are a killer forever!
Look at Japanese, they invaded and destroyed China for some time, until today they are still accountable of what they had done, Hiroshima is still there on the map, the pain and prick in their heart forever, that is the return for what they had done, many innocent Japanese lives were killed in WWII, they cannot killed a race, are you stronger than those Japanese!
Terrorists are creating problems on earth, and they did not solved any problem at all. Read your history book again, how Gandhi taught you? Are you for peace? Why there is noises and fighting among the races?
And the theologians who teach people to believe in the perfect underlying texts, those Hebrew and Greek text of King James Version, and they had created problems for us, to write this blog to refute them, until the truth in the end time prevail, and the Lord Messiah returned, and so we must be reasonable, and to have common sense, even in our own house, or in the church, or in the Parliament, or in the Royal Court rooms, even in front the highly honourable king, in this we speak and we stand, whenever the people speak, the king listen, whenever the king speak, the people listen! This is called mutual respect! Unwise men and women listened to a rude and cruel king, and believed in a money swindler, at last the country are fallen, in chaos and destructions they met! That moment, it is too late for you to listen!
Since the people did not give you every vote! Remember this as well! Let some of them disagree with you, why not, this is called common sense, do not pronounce this word as "Camel cent!"
To VPP theologians, do not try to invent another new religion, out from few missing pages, and a few missing words cannot make a true prophet, and do not start to preach terrorism, and do not try to make the whole world follow you, or try to make the whole world listen to you, because and simply you are not Christ! Rather follow the old path mentioned in the Bible.
Christian is a small Christ! Amen!
They did not ask for a perfect man, a simple, but a man who loved the country, not a businessman, not a theologian, not a greedy man with one eye, one hand and one leg crippled, but a man with nationalism, a man with patriotism, not for his race, but for all races, a man without prejudice, he is a man hard to find...
Do not make thing difficult for the people, they are innocent in voting you, maybe they trusted in you, but do not oppress them, if they do not trust in you any more, please do not try to threaten them with threats, that is simple! Listen when they are talking, or when they are giving their view, do not silent them! Before you are elected, you promised to protect them and you swear in front of God, to be royal to this country. If you do not see this as well, you are making thing difficult to handle for yourselves. Especially when we are living in a multiracial and global situation. Have a bit of common sense.
Do not talk proudly, wanted to kill a human race, torture a human race, oppress a human race, disturb a human race, and jail a human race, God created a human race on earth, you cannot do this silently, God know what you have done, and God let them survive on earth, and you wanted to destroy a human race, are you greater than God? Who do you think you are, what do think about yourself, why do you see yourself so highly, higher than God?
Even if you are acting for the sake of the country, sincerely for your race, or to justify your own belief, in killing a man, you are a killer forever!
Look at Japanese, they invaded and destroyed China for some time, until today they are still accountable of what they had done, Hiroshima is still there on the map, the pain and prick in their heart forever, that is the return for what they had done, many innocent Japanese lives were killed in WWII, they cannot killed a race, are you stronger than those Japanese!
Terrorists are creating problems on earth, and they did not solved any problem at all. Read your history book again, how Gandhi taught you? Are you for peace? Why there is noises and fighting among the races?
And the theologians who teach people to believe in the perfect underlying texts, those Hebrew and Greek text of King James Version, and they had created problems for us, to write this blog to refute them, until the truth in the end time prevail, and the Lord Messiah returned, and so we must be reasonable, and to have common sense, even in our own house, or in the church, or in the Parliament, or in the Royal Court rooms, even in front the highly honourable king, in this we speak and we stand, whenever the people speak, the king listen, whenever the king speak, the people listen! This is called mutual respect! Unwise men and women listened to a rude and cruel king, and believed in a money swindler, at last the country are fallen, in chaos and destructions they met! That moment, it is too late for you to listen!
Since the people did not give you every vote! Remember this as well! Let some of them disagree with you, why not, this is called common sense, do not pronounce this word as "Camel cent!"
To VPP theologians, do not try to invent another new religion, out from few missing pages, and a few missing words cannot make a true prophet, and do not start to preach terrorism, and do not try to make the whole world follow you, or try to make the whole world listen to you, because and simply you are not Christ! Rather follow the old path mentioned in the Bible.
Christian is a small Christ! Amen!
What kind of politicians you want in your government?
What kind of majority you want in your Parliament?
You said majority speak?
How about a majority with terrorism?
or a majority with money politic?
a majority with corruption?
a majority with racism?
a majority with extremist?
These are lawless majority, and they wanted to speak about law, preach about law, they want to use the law to capture poor people, they wanted to use the law to protect their terrorism, money politic, corruption, racism and extremist, and you want to listen to them when they are speaking about law, they are lawless! What a lawless majority do for the country?
Do you want these majorities? All these majority cannot speak at all!
A majority cannot speak without justice and human right!
The people do not want a terrorist, money minded, corrupted, racist and extremist to be their government.
Unless the people was hijacked, by a force, or by a charm, or by some lies, or by blind and empty promises, or by delusions, or by a cheat in the election.
The majority maybe achieved with evil attempts and that is a sin to God, and God will not bless a government like this!
Time is near, the cleansing process is started!
May God hear our prayers, may God come and interfere and intervene. Amen.
What kind of majority you want in your Parliament?
You said majority speak?
How about a majority with terrorism?
or a majority with money politic?
a majority with corruption?
a majority with racism?
a majority with extremist?
These are lawless majority, and they wanted to speak about law, preach about law, they want to use the law to capture poor people, they wanted to use the law to protect their terrorism, money politic, corruption, racism and extremist, and you want to listen to them when they are speaking about law, they are lawless! What a lawless majority do for the country?
Do you want these majorities? All these majority cannot speak at all!
A majority cannot speak without justice and human right!
The people do not want a terrorist, money minded, corrupted, racist and extremist to be their government.
Unless the people was hijacked, by a force, or by a charm, or by some lies, or by blind and empty promises, or by delusions, or by a cheat in the election.
The majority maybe achieved with evil attempts and that is a sin to God, and God will not bless a government like this!
Time is near, the cleansing process is started!
May God hear our prayers, may God come and interfere and intervene. Amen.
The truth is only in us
We heard people said like this so often and so easily, some even preached and proclaimed openly, days and nights, and even shouting at the roof top, these "religious" and "pious" people wanted the world to hear their good side of their truth, and they even said "the truth is only in us!" I see nothing wrong about that, you have the freedom of speech and religion.
But terrorism and freedom of religion are two different things! White is white, and grey is grey! You cannot misuse the name of a "truth" and start killings and murdering. That is not a religion, but a "terrorism."
The coin has two sides. I heard what you said earlier, your "truth." I heard it, you said you have the "truth," loud and clear from the roof top! But at the other side of the coin, at the back of this "truth" is what? What is behind that so called "truth?"
I am not wise, or having great wisdom, I do not understand all about it! Why I say this, bombed under the day light, and you wanted people to follow you to bomb, you killed, you wanted people to commit suicide in order to kill, you used woman and children in terrorism, that is abuse! And you chopped people's heads and hands, so that the people saw this and you think they will come to respect and fear you, and then people will listen to you, you done these, and did not see these as an acts of "murder and terrorism." Those are acts of terrorism! And those are crimes! These murders and killings have nothing to do with freedom of religion.
Aren't you confused? Are you not in a delusion? Awake, are you thinking I am still sleeping when I am saying this to you? Are you not blind? You think I am drunk in writing this about you? Am I a fool in questioning you? Why people in this world, proclaim these "truth" at the roof top, and then they kill and murder people under that same roof? And you still want to believe in them? And you said that is the "truth," and you said you are the theologians! And you have seminaries to teach them to do that, and you say that is the commandment from god! Is this the truth you are proclaiming at your foot top all the while? I never read this in the New Testament! I never heard this from Jesus, He had been killed on the cross, He never wanted us to kill any one to reach heaven.
Even the teachings of Buddha stop his believers from killing any living animals!
But why there is a war on earth? Suppose one day, a Pastor who is working in the front line at the war zone, and the enemies are not far from him, what should he carry along with the Bible? Should he carry a shot gun with him to protect and to defend himself? Should a pastor become an army to protect his country, at the same time when he is preaching?
Should a pious and religious man take up weapon to defend and protect his country from destruction and terrorism? If you say you love your country, you should protect and defend your country from terrorism! Sometime you have to use weapons whenever you are attacked by the terrorists!
Should we invade a country in order to take over the country and destroy the country, no!
Should we invade a country to fight those terrorist! Yes, this is to defend the earth from falling into destruction and terrorism! This is a war to protect mankind from destruction's and terrorism!
Suppose our theologians believe in terrorism, what happened to them, they will become terrorists naturally, and what happened next, they will kill and murder naturally, and they will destroy people country and belonging naturally, what should we do onto them. Should we follow them, no! Should we let them walk freely on the road?
We must not let them running freely on earth, and doing these killings and murders continually, they will destroy the earth at the end, we must defend the earth from this destruction, there must be a war to stop them, even we have to invade their places and land to stop them, before it is too late to stop them. I hope the people who is standing at the root top know why there is a war, why there is a need to fight terrorism.
Let us preach at the roof top, that the "terrorism is not a truth from God!" Say aloud, we reject "terrorism," and continue to proclaim "I do not want to be a terrorist." To the theologians who are daring to swear, go, and swear and pray about this! I hope the VPP theologians will stop from teaching VPP at the roof top, and start to preach about love, faith and hope...
Stop preaching terrorism!
Make a better world today!
Say this do this!
Do something good for Adonai everyday!
Happy Mother's Day, do not throw a bomb to your parents!
But terrorism and freedom of religion are two different things! White is white, and grey is grey! You cannot misuse the name of a "truth" and start killings and murdering. That is not a religion, but a "terrorism."
The coin has two sides. I heard what you said earlier, your "truth." I heard it, you said you have the "truth," loud and clear from the roof top! But at the other side of the coin, at the back of this "truth" is what? What is behind that so called "truth?"
I am not wise, or having great wisdom, I do not understand all about it! Why I say this, bombed under the day light, and you wanted people to follow you to bomb, you killed, you wanted people to commit suicide in order to kill, you used woman and children in terrorism, that is abuse! And you chopped people's heads and hands, so that the people saw this and you think they will come to respect and fear you, and then people will listen to you, you done these, and did not see these as an acts of "murder and terrorism." Those are acts of terrorism! And those are crimes! These murders and killings have nothing to do with freedom of religion.
Aren't you confused? Are you not in a delusion? Awake, are you thinking I am still sleeping when I am saying this to you? Are you not blind? You think I am drunk in writing this about you? Am I a fool in questioning you? Why people in this world, proclaim these "truth" at the roof top, and then they kill and murder people under that same roof? And you still want to believe in them? And you said that is the "truth," and you said you are the theologians! And you have seminaries to teach them to do that, and you say that is the commandment from god! Is this the truth you are proclaiming at your foot top all the while? I never read this in the New Testament! I never heard this from Jesus, He had been killed on the cross, He never wanted us to kill any one to reach heaven.
Even the teachings of Buddha stop his believers from killing any living animals!
But why there is a war on earth? Suppose one day, a Pastor who is working in the front line at the war zone, and the enemies are not far from him, what should he carry along with the Bible? Should he carry a shot gun with him to protect and to defend himself? Should a pastor become an army to protect his country, at the same time when he is preaching?
Should a pious and religious man take up weapon to defend and protect his country from destruction and terrorism? If you say you love your country, you should protect and defend your country from terrorism! Sometime you have to use weapons whenever you are attacked by the terrorists!
Should we invade a country in order to take over the country and destroy the country, no!
Should we invade a country to fight those terrorist! Yes, this is to defend the earth from falling into destruction and terrorism! This is a war to protect mankind from destruction's and terrorism!
Suppose our theologians believe in terrorism, what happened to them, they will become terrorists naturally, and what happened next, they will kill and murder naturally, and they will destroy people country and belonging naturally, what should we do onto them. Should we follow them, no! Should we let them walk freely on the road?
We must not let them running freely on earth, and doing these killings and murders continually, they will destroy the earth at the end, we must defend the earth from this destruction, there must be a war to stop them, even we have to invade their places and land to stop them, before it is too late to stop them. I hope the people who is standing at the root top know why there is a war, why there is a need to fight terrorism.
Let us preach at the roof top, that the "terrorism is not a truth from God!" Say aloud, we reject "terrorism," and continue to proclaim "I do not want to be a terrorist." To the theologians who are daring to swear, go, and swear and pray about this! I hope the VPP theologians will stop from teaching VPP at the roof top, and start to preach about love, faith and hope...
Stop preaching terrorism!
Make a better world today!
Say this do this!
Do something good for Adonai everyday!
Happy Mother's Day, do not throw a bomb to your parents!
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Secret Angel 007
The terrorists have their big intelligent departments in many countries underground. In launching their attack on the earth, they have many man power and financial aids, working days and nights for them. High tech with Nuclear and atomic power, and the spiritual forces of evil. Secretly they are living with us.
And they thought we do not have intelligent department like them in the country. They thought we do not know what they are thinking, they thought we do not know what they are planning, they thought we are unwise, they thought we are weak, they thought they are stronger than us! They thought we are defeated.
No so, we have intelligent departments under the sky, invincible, and they are the holy angels, the invincible secret agents and armies who are serving and helping mankind, and they are working hard to aid mankind. This is a war between the holy one and the evil one. My dear, the coming war is great!
Dear leaders, you have good angels and armies ready to serve you and your country, pray for them, may God sent you a troop of 12,000 angles and with the heavenly armies, we are not alone, roger! Ephesians 6:10-20....roger! Even The Comforter is near to you! Roger!
And they thought we do not have intelligent department like them in the country. They thought we do not know what they are thinking, they thought we do not know what they are planning, they thought we are unwise, they thought we are weak, they thought they are stronger than us! They thought we are defeated.
No so, we have intelligent departments under the sky, invincible, and they are the holy angels, the invincible secret agents and armies who are serving and helping mankind, and they are working hard to aid mankind. This is a war between the holy one and the evil one. My dear, the coming war is great!
Dear leaders, you have good angels and armies ready to serve you and your country, pray for them, may God sent you a troop of 12,000 angles and with the heavenly armies, we are not alone, roger! Ephesians 6:10-20....roger! Even The Comforter is near to you! Roger!
Friday, 8 May 2009
Living with an Islamic Country
If the majority of the people wanted this land to be called a Islamic country, if this God's will, let it be, may God bless this Islamic country! Since the majority is Muslim, we must have common sense, do not fight over this issue.
We Christian must obey our Islamic government, if they were elected, and in ruling well the country, we must respect them, even if they are not totally for us, they must be respected too! Let the party win again in the election, if God is willing! Let us Christian continue to live peacefully with them. Let us have freedom in our belief!
If they are just and fare to the people, the people naturally will put their trust in them, they will be elected another time, since these political party in the land did not kill, murder, lie and cheat, we Chinese must live peacefully with them and support them. Even they banned pork, alcohol, gamble, this is good for the Chinese! Nothing wrong!
Why the Chinese objects a fair and just Islamic government. Since Islam in this land is not teaching any terrorism, then the people will elect them! The people is still very sensitive in term of terrorism after the incident of 911. So for the time being, the races need some time and courage to trust each other. The country does not come easily, so pray for a good government! May God bless us with a good government. Amen.
What about Christians in Christ, even they sometime fight over in the court rooms, sometimes they betrayed their brothers, and some times they denied Christ, but Christ forgave them, so here we must stand! Work hand in hand with them Muslim! No much time for you to decide, and say no to them, Messiah is coming soon, how long are you going to waste your time?
We Christian must obey our Islamic government, if they were elected, and in ruling well the country, we must respect them, even if they are not totally for us, they must be respected too! Let the party win again in the election, if God is willing! Let us Christian continue to live peacefully with them. Let us have freedom in our belief!
If they are just and fare to the people, the people naturally will put their trust in them, they will be elected another time, since these political party in the land did not kill, murder, lie and cheat, we Chinese must live peacefully with them and support them. Even they banned pork, alcohol, gamble, this is good for the Chinese! Nothing wrong!
Why the Chinese objects a fair and just Islamic government. Since Islam in this land is not teaching any terrorism, then the people will elect them! The people is still very sensitive in term of terrorism after the incident of 911. So for the time being, the races need some time and courage to trust each other. The country does not come easily, so pray for a good government! May God bless us with a good government. Amen.
What about Christians in Christ, even they sometime fight over in the court rooms, sometimes they betrayed their brothers, and some times they denied Christ, but Christ forgave them, so here we must stand! Work hand in hand with them Muslim! No much time for you to decide, and say no to them, Messiah is coming soon, how long are you going to waste your time?
Are you sure?
Thes politicians shouted "We are for peace! We are for peace!" Look into mirror and say again, "We are for peace!" Look carefully again, are you sure or not?
After a few minutes, look at them, the politicians were using a crippled woman to topple a government! Abuse, and using a woman? What a shame! Coward?
We better think twice before we say, "We are for peace, we have the truth!" Did you hear indirectly they are saying, "We are for a shame! We are for a shame!" This is a day, your peace returned with shame!
The politicians and theologians are losing their mind! Let us sent them into kindergarten again!
After a few minutes, look at them, the politicians were using a crippled woman to topple a government! Abuse, and using a woman? What a shame! Coward?
We better think twice before we say, "We are for peace, we have the truth!" Did you hear indirectly they are saying, "We are for a shame! We are for a shame!" This is a day, your peace returned with shame!
The politicians and theologians are losing their mind! Let us sent them into kindergarten again!
I am not broke!
This blog is not written for the simple minded nor the fainting hearts, honestly I am not poor or broke in writing neither, I had salaries, food and drinks, and having problems like you, as a normal man. Do not pity me, I am not asking any money from you neither, you get what I mean, do not betray a man for money! Life is more than money! Life is greater than money! Terrorism is a crime, and it starts from a simple minded and a fainting heart!
The betrayer
Some 60 years ago in WWII, when the Japanese armies invaded the land, many Chinese were killed by Japanese, the Japanese paid some Chinese as the insiders or the informers, to search and kill the Chinese opponents in the land they invaded, it was so easy to search and kill by the help from these betrayers. Chinese fellows betrayed Chinese fellows, just for some money in war time!
After the Japanese surrendered and they left the land, some armed Chineses young men provoked to revenged for their killed friends and brothers in the war, and they determined to kill those betrayers and informers who help the Japanese.
I heard from an old man, a story were told about these betrayers. Some young Chinese in revenge, bound a few of these betrayers in a rubber factory, they were bound up side down, and the armed young men interrogated them days and nights, at night they put some lamps at the staircases, enlightening the building, and they all fell asleep, lo and behold, at nights, some spirits came in and took the lamps, and put these lamps on the floor, the next morning they found out that the lamps were all on the floors. Over the few nights, the lamps also were removed to the floor, so they started to be curious, what made these lamps removed?
One night, these spirit came again, and a few brave young men with short guns, kept awake to find out what happened to those lamps. They met the spirits as the spirit processed the betrayers, and the betrayers' face's colour were change from red to green, blue, yellow, different colours. The betrayer even spoke with different voices.
The armed men were angry with those spirits who disturbed them, and they scolded the spirits, and they commanded the spirits to leave them alone, but the spirits refused, after many gun shots and warnings, the spirits left them at last, they relieved since then. Later the betrayer were killed, due to what they had done to fellow Chinese, because betrayal is a crime!
I believed personally those spirits were the demons, the bad spirits, the murderous spirits and the lying spirits. They tempted the Chinese fellow to betray and kill one another.
These spirits are real! They had been here on earth for many years, older than mankind, until today they are still haunting the Chinese, so that is why you see, many Chinese are betraying one another, killing one another, for money! Some for frame, statues...
Chinese, we should not blame other races in our failures, we should blame ourselves, because we were not determined to unite among ourselves, rather we determined to destroy ourselves. We are heading this destruction.
Terrorism comes without any colour, it is more dangerous than those spirits! Beware! The end time is a dangerous time! Watch out!
After the Japanese surrendered and they left the land, some armed Chineses young men provoked to revenged for their killed friends and brothers in the war, and they determined to kill those betrayers and informers who help the Japanese.
I heard from an old man, a story were told about these betrayers. Some young Chinese in revenge, bound a few of these betrayers in a rubber factory, they were bound up side down, and the armed young men interrogated them days and nights, at night they put some lamps at the staircases, enlightening the building, and they all fell asleep, lo and behold, at nights, some spirits came in and took the lamps, and put these lamps on the floor, the next morning they found out that the lamps were all on the floors. Over the few nights, the lamps also were removed to the floor, so they started to be curious, what made these lamps removed?
One night, these spirit came again, and a few brave young men with short guns, kept awake to find out what happened to those lamps. They met the spirits as the spirit processed the betrayers, and the betrayers' face's colour were change from red to green, blue, yellow, different colours. The betrayer even spoke with different voices.
The armed men were angry with those spirits who disturbed them, and they scolded the spirits, and they commanded the spirits to leave them alone, but the spirits refused, after many gun shots and warnings, the spirits left them at last, they relieved since then. Later the betrayer were killed, due to what they had done to fellow Chinese, because betrayal is a crime!
I believed personally those spirits were the demons, the bad spirits, the murderous spirits and the lying spirits. They tempted the Chinese fellow to betray and kill one another.
These spirits are real! They had been here on earth for many years, older than mankind, until today they are still haunting the Chinese, so that is why you see, many Chinese are betraying one another, killing one another, for money! Some for frame, statues...
Chinese, we should not blame other races in our failures, we should blame ourselves, because we were not determined to unite among ourselves, rather we determined to destroy ourselves. We are heading this destruction.
Terrorism comes without any colour, it is more dangerous than those spirits! Beware! The end time is a dangerous time! Watch out!
2 parachutes and a stick...
A man who was with one blind eye, one hand one leg crippled prayed to an evil spirit, seeking helps from the spirit to topple the country, the spirit told him to wait..After waiting in a cave for a week, the spirit returned with a coffin, inside the coffin there was 2 parachutes, and a bamboo stick for the crippled man.
The evil spirit said to the crippled man, "Tie one parachute at one end of the bamboo stick, an another parachute at another end of the bamboo stick, grab the stick and jump from the cliff, and go and be great in fooling the people with these things."
So the crippled man went out and he jumped with those two parachutes, and he held on the bamboo stick, and the people amazed how can a crippled man flew like a bird, so the people were fooled by the crippled man, the believe in the lies that he is their savior and they made him to the be their head man."
(You may draw a picture, 2 parachutes and a stick...see what it is.)
Until one day, an Indian snake charmer came to the town, and he burnt the coffin with the parachutes and stick in it, and crippled man lost his talismans, and so he lost his evil power and became a bagger begging for food, people scolding him in putting a charm onto them. The snake charmer freed the country from the grips of the evil spirit. Two parachutes and a stick, how they look like?
The evil spirit said to the crippled man, "Tie one parachute at one end of the bamboo stick, an another parachute at another end of the bamboo stick, grab the stick and jump from the cliff, and go and be great in fooling the people with these things."
So the crippled man went out and he jumped with those two parachutes, and he held on the bamboo stick, and the people amazed how can a crippled man flew like a bird, so the people were fooled by the crippled man, the believe in the lies that he is their savior and they made him to the be their head man."
(You may draw a picture, 2 parachutes and a stick...see what it is.)
Until one day, an Indian snake charmer came to the town, and he burnt the coffin with the parachutes and stick in it, and crippled man lost his talismans, and so he lost his evil power and became a bagger begging for food, people scolding him in putting a charm onto them. The snake charmer freed the country from the grips of the evil spirit. Two parachutes and a stick, how they look like?
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Respect is respect, shame is shame
In our history book,
a bandit is bandit,
a hero is hero,
white is white,
and black is black,
you cannot teach you sons that bandit is our hero,
you dare not teach your sons that bandits are our heroes!
Your sons will laugh at you!
Be not a bandit!
If you say that pirate is your leader, go and follow him, and so you are one of them, and you naturally become a pirate, if you say you do not want to become a pirate, why you are following a pirate?
Be not a pirate!
If you say that terrorist is your hero, go and follow him, and so you are one of them, and you naturally become a terrorist, if you say you do not want to become a terrorist, why you are following a terrorist?
Be not a terrorist!
What ideology you are having? If you say you are a democrat who are practising democracy, and so the people trust in you and they voted you in the past, but why now you are practising communism? You put the people into jails, you tortured them, you bullied them, you killed them, you shown them your knives, you show them you are powerful, you forgot they are the one who put you in power, and now you disrespected them, you hurt their feelings, you had been bad, really bad, and your forefathers' good reputation are destroyed because of you, repent before it is too late, may God open your eyes to see your blindness, and because your eyes are blind your whole body is useless, you are dreaming in vain!
Here I stand, dare you change me, this is what I believe about you, the communist is communist, and democrat is democrat. Are you confused?
Arise, my sons, the good lawyers and good doctors in the land, be some good lords in the land, the people had put a little hope in you, dare you upset them in this way, dare you let them go empty handed? Remember who toil and labour for your food and drink when you were still young and you were still schooling, your forefather died in this land, they worked hard and sacrificed for you, and they wanted your to be a good lawyer and good doctor, how dare you upset your forefathers' hope and let them died in shame like this, no, no, you must sacrifice for your country. Arise!
Are you not care about those people who are in pain and helps, are you not learn that the law is beyond and above you and your kings, beyond and above you and your future, beyond and above you and your country, arise, good lawyers and doctors in the land, speak before it is too a good lord for this land!
Where are those good lords in this land? Where are you? Are you one of them, let us hear your voice, and the day cannot goes down without a hope, man must live with a bit hope, hope you in the lawyers and doctors? I bet you to stand up for our country, even we died, we will died in this land, this is your beloved land, whom our forefathers lived and died!
Dare you follow a bandit and a pirate, and dare you follow a terrorist, I dare you! I bet you! Here I stand, let us died in this! Heaven is our witness!
Dare you follow those VPP theologian!
a bandit is bandit,
a hero is hero,
white is white,
and black is black,
you cannot teach you sons that bandit is our hero,
you dare not teach your sons that bandits are our heroes!
Your sons will laugh at you!
Be not a bandit!
If you say that pirate is your leader, go and follow him, and so you are one of them, and you naturally become a pirate, if you say you do not want to become a pirate, why you are following a pirate?
Be not a pirate!
If you say that terrorist is your hero, go and follow him, and so you are one of them, and you naturally become a terrorist, if you say you do not want to become a terrorist, why you are following a terrorist?
Be not a terrorist!
What ideology you are having? If you say you are a democrat who are practising democracy, and so the people trust in you and they voted you in the past, but why now you are practising communism? You put the people into jails, you tortured them, you bullied them, you killed them, you shown them your knives, you show them you are powerful, you forgot they are the one who put you in power, and now you disrespected them, you hurt their feelings, you had been bad, really bad, and your forefathers' good reputation are destroyed because of you, repent before it is too late, may God open your eyes to see your blindness, and because your eyes are blind your whole body is useless, you are dreaming in vain!
Here I stand, dare you change me, this is what I believe about you, the communist is communist, and democrat is democrat. Are you confused?
Arise, my sons, the good lawyers and good doctors in the land, be some good lords in the land, the people had put a little hope in you, dare you upset them in this way, dare you let them go empty handed? Remember who toil and labour for your food and drink when you were still young and you were still schooling, your forefather died in this land, they worked hard and sacrificed for you, and they wanted your to be a good lawyer and good doctor, how dare you upset your forefathers' hope and let them died in shame like this, no, no, you must sacrifice for your country. Arise!
Are you not care about those people who are in pain and helps, are you not learn that the law is beyond and above you and your kings, beyond and above you and your future, beyond and above you and your country, arise, good lawyers and doctors in the land, speak before it is too a good lord for this land!
Where are those good lords in this land? Where are you? Are you one of them, let us hear your voice, and the day cannot goes down without a hope, man must live with a bit hope, hope you in the lawyers and doctors? I bet you to stand up for our country, even we died, we will died in this land, this is your beloved land, whom our forefathers lived and died!
Dare you follow a bandit and a pirate, and dare you follow a terrorist, I dare you! I bet you! Here I stand, let us died in this! Heaven is our witness!
Dare you follow those VPP theologian!
Playing mantis
A foolish king with his rubbish collector
Once upon a time somewhere in the northern earth, there was a foolish king, why people called him as a foolish king, because he did not love and care for his people, naturally the people also dislike the king, but the king thought the people like him very much. He still walked head up, hand up, leg up, and there the people pretended to salute him but with hates and dislike.
One of his foolish thinking was, he appointed a rubbish collector to be his head man, because the rubbish collector had found a great piece of gold in some rubbishes, and he presented it to the king, the king delighted in that gigantic piece of gold and so the king promoted the rubbish collector to be the head man in his kingdom.
The people disliked the rubbish collector, because the rubbish collector smelled like rubbish, he never take any shower, he do nothing for the people, daily he went out to collect rubbishes for himself, he done this often, more than taking care of his people and looking after the people welfare. He loved the rubbishes and collected them in one of the bank in the country. Some one knew about that.
The king was very happy every day in looking at the great piece of gold he received from the rubbish collector, and the king polishes that piece of gold every day and sleep and eat next to the gold, he forgot his people who were suffering.
The people was very frustrated and they became angry, they protested to the king and the rubbish collector, but they were not listened, so the people reacted in revenge, they threw rubbish every where they went, all towns, villages, buildings, roads, rivers, hills, mountains, trees, cars, schools, farms, shopping centre, malls and halls, markets, everywhere, any time, days and nights, they threw out rubbishes, out door, in the open spaces, and the country became very dirty and smelly, and the king did not know what happened to his kingdom, and the rubbish collectors were very delighted in seeing gold everywhere he went..he collected more and more rubbishes this time.
Until one day, the rubbishes choked the rivers, roads, and mountains, and all cars, lorries, and buses cannot run, and the fishes, the birds died, and and the animals and people were starved to death, and the king started to smell something bad from his palace, and he went out to see his kingdom, lo, and behold, his kingdom, had become a rubbish throwing country...and he saw some one who was waring a king's costume with armies walking by the roadside and people bow down to him, and they called him king. And the real king was very angry, why some one else behave like him as a king in time like this, and he went to check, and lo and behold, the fake king was actually the rubbish collector whom he had appointed, and the king regretted in his choice of choosing a rubbish collector to be the head man. The rubbish collector had taken over the country intentionally.
The king went home and repented from his mistake, and he angrily threw the piece of gold out of the palace, and he summoned the rubbish collector to the palace, and he wanted to put him into the jail, but the rubbish collector fought an war with the king, at last after many tussles, the rubbish collector was killed, and the king appointed another good, wise and sound minded man to be the head man. This wise man went out to serve the people wisely, and he cleanses the country with justice and right, and the country condition became better and better, and so the story not ended here, the people started to respect the king, because the king had awaken from a deep sleep, in appointing a good leader to help them, and the people loved the king again, because the people sees the king loved them. The wise head man lived happily with the people, and the kingdom became stronger and stronger, and so they became richer and richer, and many people came to work and live among them, at last the country became famous and great, in creating a pleasant and healthy society, the people was happy living in a clean and protected environment.
What kind of mind do the leaders have, have you heard of this saying "rubbish in rubbish out!"
I took in some rubbish, in writing this!
One of his foolish thinking was, he appointed a rubbish collector to be his head man, because the rubbish collector had found a great piece of gold in some rubbishes, and he presented it to the king, the king delighted in that gigantic piece of gold and so the king promoted the rubbish collector to be the head man in his kingdom.
The people disliked the rubbish collector, because the rubbish collector smelled like rubbish, he never take any shower, he do nothing for the people, daily he went out to collect rubbishes for himself, he done this often, more than taking care of his people and looking after the people welfare. He loved the rubbishes and collected them in one of the bank in the country. Some one knew about that.
The king was very happy every day in looking at the great piece of gold he received from the rubbish collector, and the king polishes that piece of gold every day and sleep and eat next to the gold, he forgot his people who were suffering.
The people was very frustrated and they became angry, they protested to the king and the rubbish collector, but they were not listened, so the people reacted in revenge, they threw rubbish every where they went, all towns, villages, buildings, roads, rivers, hills, mountains, trees, cars, schools, farms, shopping centre, malls and halls, markets, everywhere, any time, days and nights, they threw out rubbishes, out door, in the open spaces, and the country became very dirty and smelly, and the king did not know what happened to his kingdom, and the rubbish collectors were very delighted in seeing gold everywhere he went..he collected more and more rubbishes this time.
Until one day, the rubbishes choked the rivers, roads, and mountains, and all cars, lorries, and buses cannot run, and the fishes, the birds died, and and the animals and people were starved to death, and the king started to smell something bad from his palace, and he went out to see his kingdom, lo, and behold, his kingdom, had become a rubbish throwing country...and he saw some one who was waring a king's costume with armies walking by the roadside and people bow down to him, and they called him king. And the real king was very angry, why some one else behave like him as a king in time like this, and he went to check, and lo and behold, the fake king was actually the rubbish collector whom he had appointed, and the king regretted in his choice of choosing a rubbish collector to be the head man. The rubbish collector had taken over the country intentionally.
The king went home and repented from his mistake, and he angrily threw the piece of gold out of the palace, and he summoned the rubbish collector to the palace, and he wanted to put him into the jail, but the rubbish collector fought an war with the king, at last after many tussles, the rubbish collector was killed, and the king appointed another good, wise and sound minded man to be the head man. This wise man went out to serve the people wisely, and he cleanses the country with justice and right, and the country condition became better and better, and so the story not ended here, the people started to respect the king, because the king had awaken from a deep sleep, in appointing a good leader to help them, and the people loved the king again, because the people sees the king loved them. The wise head man lived happily with the people, and the kingdom became stronger and stronger, and so they became richer and richer, and many people came to work and live among them, at last the country became famous and great, in creating a pleasant and healthy society, the people was happy living in a clean and protected environment.
What kind of mind do the leaders have, have you heard of this saying "rubbish in rubbish out!"
I took in some rubbish, in writing this!
Another prayer for the country
Almighty God heavenly Father, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, may God intervene and prepare the country, and God rise up the people, may Your Spirit come and work in the people heart, and may God bless the kings, and even the people are freed from corruptions and evils, God please see the people through, and the witch crafts and the witches were bound, and free the people from bondage of great and small evil, may God hear the cries from the country, and the land in pain, arise, make haste, free the land and it's in habitation from the danger of terrorism and murders, may God change the evil of greed and racism in this country, may God sent Your angels to fight the devils, and let the voice of justice prevailed, and continue to prevail, may God gave wisdom and knowledge to the kings, the people, and the politicians, so that they rule the kingdom with fair and justice, Lord, here is my prayer in this, may Your light shine upon the darkness, let darkness passed away, and let new light comes, and shine on these countries which are lost in greed and power struggles, and there is light at the end of these wars, and there is life after deaths, and God bless us, In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
To the sons, be strong
My sons, before I pass away, I want you to listen carefully, if you have decided, to follow the Lord Adonai, and when you wanted to serve the Lord full time, if you are called to serve Himself, remembers these few things I am going to tell you, especially when you are still young and not trust a man fully, but put your trust in God, no body is calling, make sure it is God Whom called you...
Do not ask anyone to pay much attention to you, silently work out your salvation, many will not give any interest in you, do not ask for favours, and do not ask for any big salary, and walk by faith, when you are sick even until to the death you must not regret!
When you have decided to serve the Lord, do not ask for popularity, but do care for you good reputation among the unbelievers...try to glorify God in every thing. And there are the servant's reward...later...
My sons, there are dangers ahead, there are enemies, great enemies even in the Church, and they had controlled the church, and they had tamed the human spirit with must not be tamed by must be strong in the Lord...
My sons, to the young man who are going to serve the Lord full time, do not look back ward, press forward, and no government will be your protections, the world is under a sin cursed darkness, and under a delusion, and some elders in the church are people who are thirsty of power, there the enemies launched the fiery darts which had killed many pastors, and great is our casualties...until today they had not repent from killings.
My sons, remembers, the Church is an universal church, weather Charismatic and Fundamentalists, they are all sinner, but they are fighting in them, so please do not give time to indulge any theological fights among them, go out and preach the gospel, and you are called to preach the gospel, do not be foolish like me in spending time and energy to seek the peace among both of them, there are wars ahead, and my sons, remembers even Christ, they had killed, and Christ went forward to saved us, He had been killed He is not defeated, so do this like Him....stand by Him...
I see great and rich men among the Christians are becoming proud, and this very much a fall away from the truth, so be strong in become a poor monk like Martin Luther, let him be our example, and only Adonai can saved us, let John Calvin be silent in his sickness, his writings are preserved until today, and he is still speaks to us in his writings...
There are times, when your monthly income, part of your salaries are stolen, do not sad about that, God will pay you back, He will not owe you any thing, let your body be burned with fire of love, not with pride, let that fire of love kindles the land you stand, do not fear Satan, he is real, with many of his evil followers, and they are the murderers and the tempters, who tempted us to sin, and fallen, but he is a defeated enemy but rather you must beware of those men who eat and befriended with you...they may cut your throat and kick you after they ate with you...beware!
There are times, when your locked doors are broken in, and you do not aware about that for some times, your computer they will destroyed, your pets they will killed, your fishes they will murder, and your food and drink they will poisoned, and your clothes they will poured with urine, and then the are times they put in your house, some virus, germs, and radioactive dirt or material to weaken your health, until every lizards in your house were burnt to die, flies and small animals in your house were killed cruelly, so my sons, do not fear to die for Adonai, this is a war, spiritual and bodily, there are terrorist who are very "religious," "pious," we are living at the end of the world, do not pay much attention to all these distractions, forget about these disturbs, do not alarm about these, you must gone through these testings, the fire will purify our faith, it is better to be like these in following the Messiah, than following the world. Stay where you are, let God be your judge, YOU MUST WAIT, YOU MUST WAIT ONTO THE LORD, OUR ADONAI. Do not be angry with the circumstances, this is what the enemies wanted us to become, so be happy in the Adonai, rejoice in Adonai.
You must pray, when the enemies came in, and they wanted to scared you, or they determined to killed you, be strong in the Lord, you have only one soul, and one life, let it be, to be killed or hurt, be prepared, to be murdered, be prepared, and so you will not unaware about them, until you are killed. Do not surprise when there are many trials and temptations along the way, this is the way, yes, the narrow way is full of killers and liars! Be prepared, Adonai is able to carry you through..
You must pray, this is the only way you can keep on going, there is no other way, or you may turn off your worry by hearing some great song...some contemporary songs...or some classic songs.
My sons there are troubles ahead in this world but I write this to you, to be prepared, the be alert this is the end time, the time is near, and we must not forget who we are, why we are here living on this earth, and there is time we have to depart from this world, God has his timing, God's time is right, every thing has a time, a time to born, and time to die, and there is no regret in following and serving the Lord, Our Adonai, the coming Messiah...He is coming soon, that is why, be prepared...
Finally, "be prepared to face every things, like a scout, it is better to trust in Adonai..." May God bless us in doing these works until to the end of the world, we will see Him face to face. Amen.
I pray for the sons in brown coloured face do not fear in following and serving Adonai, there is a great price paid for us in living on this earth, you are not belong to yourself, but you belong to Adonai, stand up with both your foot, stand still, look, and the sun be still, let the war end in victory, be not ashamed in following and dying, and suffering, and in these silent, be silent, the Lord is blessing you, be still, His face shine upon you, be still, Adonai love you with a ever lasting love, hang on...
Praise our Adonai, He is our Hope in trouble, make haste to do the things God commanded you to do! And delight in Him, and He will strengthen you...He is our help in time of need...
Be strong in Adonai!
Do not ask anyone to pay much attention to you, silently work out your salvation, many will not give any interest in you, do not ask for favours, and do not ask for any big salary, and walk by faith, when you are sick even until to the death you must not regret!
When you have decided to serve the Lord, do not ask for popularity, but do care for you good reputation among the unbelievers...try to glorify God in every thing. And there are the servant's reward...later...
My sons, there are dangers ahead, there are enemies, great enemies even in the Church, and they had controlled the church, and they had tamed the human spirit with must not be tamed by must be strong in the Lord...
My sons, to the young man who are going to serve the Lord full time, do not look back ward, press forward, and no government will be your protections, the world is under a sin cursed darkness, and under a delusion, and some elders in the church are people who are thirsty of power, there the enemies launched the fiery darts which had killed many pastors, and great is our casualties...until today they had not repent from killings.
My sons, remembers, the Church is an universal church, weather Charismatic and Fundamentalists, they are all sinner, but they are fighting in them, so please do not give time to indulge any theological fights among them, go out and preach the gospel, and you are called to preach the gospel, do not be foolish like me in spending time and energy to seek the peace among both of them, there are wars ahead, and my sons, remembers even Christ, they had killed, and Christ went forward to saved us, He had been killed He is not defeated, so do this like Him....stand by Him...
I see great and rich men among the Christians are becoming proud, and this very much a fall away from the truth, so be strong in become a poor monk like Martin Luther, let him be our example, and only Adonai can saved us, let John Calvin be silent in his sickness, his writings are preserved until today, and he is still speaks to us in his writings...
There are times, when your monthly income, part of your salaries are stolen, do not sad about that, God will pay you back, He will not owe you any thing, let your body be burned with fire of love, not with pride, let that fire of love kindles the land you stand, do not fear Satan, he is real, with many of his evil followers, and they are the murderers and the tempters, who tempted us to sin, and fallen, but he is a defeated enemy but rather you must beware of those men who eat and befriended with you...they may cut your throat and kick you after they ate with you...beware!
There are times, when your locked doors are broken in, and you do not aware about that for some times, your computer they will destroyed, your pets they will killed, your fishes they will murder, and your food and drink they will poisoned, and your clothes they will poured with urine, and then the are times they put in your house, some virus, germs, and radioactive dirt or material to weaken your health, until every lizards in your house were burnt to die, flies and small animals in your house were killed cruelly, so my sons, do not fear to die for Adonai, this is a war, spiritual and bodily, there are terrorist who are very "religious," "pious," we are living at the end of the world, do not pay much attention to all these distractions, forget about these disturbs, do not alarm about these, you must gone through these testings, the fire will purify our faith, it is better to be like these in following the Messiah, than following the world. Stay where you are, let God be your judge, YOU MUST WAIT, YOU MUST WAIT ONTO THE LORD, OUR ADONAI. Do not be angry with the circumstances, this is what the enemies wanted us to become, so be happy in the Adonai, rejoice in Adonai.
You must pray, when the enemies came in, and they wanted to scared you, or they determined to killed you, be strong in the Lord, you have only one soul, and one life, let it be, to be killed or hurt, be prepared, to be murdered, be prepared, and so you will not unaware about them, until you are killed. Do not surprise when there are many trials and temptations along the way, this is the way, yes, the narrow way is full of killers and liars! Be prepared, Adonai is able to carry you through..
You must pray, this is the only way you can keep on going, there is no other way, or you may turn off your worry by hearing some great song...some contemporary songs...or some classic songs.
My sons there are troubles ahead in this world but I write this to you, to be prepared, the be alert this is the end time, the time is near, and we must not forget who we are, why we are here living on this earth, and there is time we have to depart from this world, God has his timing, God's time is right, every thing has a time, a time to born, and time to die, and there is no regret in following and serving the Lord, Our Adonai, the coming Messiah...He is coming soon, that is why, be prepared...
Finally, "be prepared to face every things, like a scout, it is better to trust in Adonai..." May God bless us in doing these works until to the end of the world, we will see Him face to face. Amen.
I pray for the sons in brown coloured face do not fear in following and serving Adonai, there is a great price paid for us in living on this earth, you are not belong to yourself, but you belong to Adonai, stand up with both your foot, stand still, look, and the sun be still, let the war end in victory, be not ashamed in following and dying, and suffering, and in these silent, be silent, the Lord is blessing you, be still, His face shine upon you, be still, Adonai love you with a ever lasting love, hang on...
Praise our Adonai, He is our Hope in trouble, make haste to do the things God commanded you to do! And delight in Him, and He will strengthen you...He is our help in time of need...
Be strong in Adonai!
Monday, 4 May 2009
To the politicians and the theologians
Do not ask why the people in this country dislike you !
Ask yourselves how much you like the people in this country !
Do not ask how much the people love you !
Ask yourselves how much you love the people !
But.... you love the money and vain glory more than every thing ! No one tell you about this ?
Are you sure ? You just wait and see....!
The people's voice is louder than the thunder!
You can't just close your eyes and your ears !
Are you a man belong to them ?
Sit down and think, do not pretend you know every thing !
When you are wrong in the pass, say sorry to the people !
Time is flying away...
Ask yourselves how much you like the people in this country !
Do not ask how much the people love you !
Ask yourselves how much you love the people !
But.... you love the money and vain glory more than every thing ! No one tell you about this ?
Are you sure ? You just wait and see....!
The people's voice is louder than the thunder!
You can't just close your eyes and your ears !
Are you a man belong to them ?
Sit down and think, do not pretend you know every thing !
When you are wrong in the pass, say sorry to the people !
Time is flying away...
Sunday, 3 May 2009
A bed time story - The Seven Nanyang Brothers
With a heavy heart I am going to tell you another Bed time story. "The Seven Nanyang Brothers." I hoped I am not called as an insane in telling you this story, weather it is true or not, it is up for you to judge, for me it is only a hear say, I heard this from a Chinese friends...a Hainanese...This is a story about 7 brothers in a small country in Nanyang, the South China Sea..
The story began..... in the 19th century, the age of colonialism was at its height and the great Chinese Diaspora began. Many colonies lacked a large pool of laborers. Meanwhile, in the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong in China, there was a labor surplus due to the relative peace during the Qing dynasty. The Qing Empire was forced to allow its subjects to work overseas under colonial powers. Many Hokkien chose to work in Southeast Asia with their earlier links starting from the Ming era, as did the Cantonese. The city of Taishan in Guangdong province was the source for many of the economic migrants. For the countries in North America and Australia, great numbers of laborers were needed in the dangerous tasks of gold mining and railway construction. With famine widespread in Guangdong, this attracted many Cantonese to work in these countries to improve the living conditions of their relatives. Some overseas Chinese were sold to South America during the Punti-Hakka Clan Wars in the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong. Many people from the New Territories in Hong Kong emigrated to the UK (mainly England) and the Netherlands in the post-war period to earn a better living. (c.f.
The Hokkien brothers and Teochew brothers who traced their roots to Fujian and Taiwan came to this Nanyang country in the begining with the Cantonese brothers who spoke Cantonese (Yue) 粤语/粵語: who came from Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macau. These brothers came to nanyang very early, so they took all the better working opportunity, and they worked in every fields, opening many new plantations, and new towns, due to their hard labours, some of them even worked whole their life as hard labours, shopkeepers, businessmen, some the tea house owner, medical, teachers, etc....they were successful, some of them even became headman or the leaders in the Nanyang...they also brought many lands and buildings, and they begun to build better community , some time they build halls...schools...developing the locals...
Then also came the Hakka brothers, the (Kèjiā) 客家话/客家話: spoken by the Hakka people, a cultural group of the Han Chinese, the term "Hakka" itself translates as "guest families", and many Hakka people consider themselves to be descended from Song-era refugees from North China, many of these hakka also very hard working like the earlier brothers, they worked in various places and fields, some of them also became famous and rich, many also worked as farmers in the plantation, and they own many plantations and farms, and they brought lands, they also distribute their labour to develop the country with other brothers.
There also came the people who spoke 平话/平話: they came from the parts of the Guangxi. It is sometimes classed as a dialect of Cantonese. They also very hard working, and they mostly worked as the rubber tappers, and farmers..later they also owned many rubber plantations....they mostly preferred to live in the villages...Later these trends were changed, many of these brothers moved to town and they changed their forefather's working preferences.
Later many other Chinese brothers also came to work and stay at this Nanyang country, and they became permanent residents after they had succeed in their works and business, and many of them became rich due to their hard working and habit of money savings...
Lastly, the Hainan brothers also came. These brothers are speaking Hainanese, 儋州话/儋州話: spoken in Danzhou, Hainan. Because many working field already filled up by the brothers who came earlier, and so the Hainan brothers were hard to find new jobs, as a result many of them were encouraged by the other brothers who came earlier, to work with the white, the westerners, story were told they worked as a maid servant and male servant for the Westerner, due to this they learned western menu, later they become very fine coffee shop owner, they gone through many toiling and of them was the cultural shock in working with the westerner, and secondly the language barrier they had to face, because the Hainanese does not speaks western languages, they had hard time working with the western bosses, other brothers find out the Hainanese were a little weird after sometimes working as a servant for the foreigners. They were working under great pressure, cultural shock and language barrier.....after the Westerner left Nanyang, many of these Hainanese become great cook, they opened many Restaurants, with western menu, brew great coffee, great tasty toast and fantastic chicken rice....this is the last, and even later they become the first in the society...the head man! History has turned the clock back ward? Hainanese are a little bit weird? Do you think so? Why, people think so?
These Seven Nanyang Brothers still are very hard working until today, one thing common is, they do not give up in chasing their dreams, this time it is better for them to work hand in hand, do not fight, together they are determined to build a better future for the Nanyang, before they return home to Mainland, or before they emigrate to the West...or they continue to stay in the continue the Nanyang legacy...lets unite, unite, unite! Do not be proud about our success in the pass...
All of them are brothers? Yes! Same root? Yes! How about their fruits? What they want to achieve in Nanyang after this? Beside money, Is there any thing they forget to do which they must do? How to unite this 7 brothers? May God bless these 7 brothers. Amen. I hope you do not fell asleep when you are reading this Bed Time story...
The story began..... in the 19th century, the age of colonialism was at its height and the great Chinese Diaspora began. Many colonies lacked a large pool of laborers. Meanwhile, in the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong in China, there was a labor surplus due to the relative peace during the Qing dynasty. The Qing Empire was forced to allow its subjects to work overseas under colonial powers. Many Hokkien chose to work in Southeast Asia with their earlier links starting from the Ming era, as did the Cantonese. The city of Taishan in Guangdong province was the source for many of the economic migrants. For the countries in North America and Australia, great numbers of laborers were needed in the dangerous tasks of gold mining and railway construction. With famine widespread in Guangdong, this attracted many Cantonese to work in these countries to improve the living conditions of their relatives. Some overseas Chinese were sold to South America during the Punti-Hakka Clan Wars in the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong. Many people from the New Territories in Hong Kong emigrated to the UK (mainly England) and the Netherlands in the post-war period to earn a better living. (c.f.
The Hokkien brothers and Teochew brothers who traced their roots to Fujian and Taiwan came to this Nanyang country in the begining with the Cantonese brothers who spoke Cantonese (Yue) 粤语/粵語: who came from Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macau. These brothers came to nanyang very early, so they took all the better working opportunity, and they worked in every fields, opening many new plantations, and new towns, due to their hard labours, some of them even worked whole their life as hard labours, shopkeepers, businessmen, some the tea house owner, medical, teachers, etc....they were successful, some of them even became headman or the leaders in the Nanyang...they also brought many lands and buildings, and they begun to build better community , some time they build halls...schools...developing the locals...
Then also came the Hakka brothers, the (Kèjiā) 客家话/客家話: spoken by the Hakka people, a cultural group of the Han Chinese, the term "Hakka" itself translates as "guest families", and many Hakka people consider themselves to be descended from Song-era refugees from North China, many of these hakka also very hard working like the earlier brothers, they worked in various places and fields, some of them also became famous and rich, many also worked as farmers in the plantation, and they own many plantations and farms, and they brought lands, they also distribute their labour to develop the country with other brothers.
There also came the people who spoke 平话/平話: they came from the parts of the Guangxi. It is sometimes classed as a dialect of Cantonese. They also very hard working, and they mostly worked as the rubber tappers, and farmers..later they also owned many rubber plantations....they mostly preferred to live in the villages...Later these trends were changed, many of these brothers moved to town and they changed their forefather's working preferences.
Later many other Chinese brothers also came to work and stay at this Nanyang country, and they became permanent residents after they had succeed in their works and business, and many of them became rich due to their hard working and habit of money savings...
Lastly, the Hainan brothers also came. These brothers are speaking Hainanese, 儋州话/儋州話: spoken in Danzhou, Hainan. Because many working field already filled up by the brothers who came earlier, and so the Hainan brothers were hard to find new jobs, as a result many of them were encouraged by the other brothers who came earlier, to work with the white, the westerners, story were told they worked as a maid servant and male servant for the Westerner, due to this they learned western menu, later they become very fine coffee shop owner, they gone through many toiling and of them was the cultural shock in working with the westerner, and secondly the language barrier they had to face, because the Hainanese does not speaks western languages, they had hard time working with the western bosses, other brothers find out the Hainanese were a little weird after sometimes working as a servant for the foreigners. They were working under great pressure, cultural shock and language barrier.....after the Westerner left Nanyang, many of these Hainanese become great cook, they opened many Restaurants, with western menu, brew great coffee, great tasty toast and fantastic chicken rice....this is the last, and even later they become the first in the society...the head man! History has turned the clock back ward? Hainanese are a little bit weird? Do you think so? Why, people think so?
These Seven Nanyang Brothers still are very hard working until today, one thing common is, they do not give up in chasing their dreams, this time it is better for them to work hand in hand, do not fight, together they are determined to build a better future for the Nanyang, before they return home to Mainland, or before they emigrate to the West...or they continue to stay in the continue the Nanyang legacy...lets unite, unite, unite! Do not be proud about our success in the pass...
All of them are brothers? Yes! Same root? Yes! How about their fruits? What they want to achieve in Nanyang after this? Beside money, Is there any thing they forget to do which they must do? How to unite this 7 brothers? May God bless these 7 brothers. Amen. I hope you do not fell asleep when you are reading this Bed Time story...
Friday, 1 May 2009
A Bed time story - The Five Brothers

Long time ago there was a story, about 5 brothers in the jungle, they were living in a high mountain, the peak of mountain is very high, reaching the sky, and they are living lawlessly, because the emperor is living far far away from them. Every day they had a same small quarrel redarding their parents where about.
One day the youngest brother came all the way from town to visit his elder brothers who were living in that mountain, and he heard their quarrel about their parents who passed away many years ago.
The elder brother acclaimed: "Papa and mama are now living in the western sky, because they had reach the perfection, the place is called nirwana..I dreamt about them, they are living there happily..You disrespect papa and mama, in arguing this with me..I am the elder brothers. You must listen to me."
The second elder brother: "No, I do not agreed with you... papa and mama are living in a place called hell, I dream about them, people said this is true. I burnt incense every weeks and days, even paper money, paper clothes, car made of paper for them. You did not respect papa and mama. You are nut! You must listen to me."
The third brother: "No, I do not agreed with you two, the people living at the another mountain, said our parents are not living in the sky above or the place called hell, they had reincarnated to be a cow or a chicken, or a pair of butterflies, or a dog, or a man, papa and mama are not like what you said, they are probably now living in this mountain with us, so do not ever kill any cow, any chicken, any dog, any cat, and bird, you may hurt papa and two are foolish, you had killed the cows, and you shoot the birds, and now you wanted to kill me too!"
The forth brother: "No, I do not agreed with you all, the people living at the mountain foot, said that our parents have became a pair of ghosts or spirits, they are now living with us, they are now living at the home altar in our living rooms, they are now our unseen ancestors, I give them food and drink every day, I pray at them every day, I burnt incense to them every day. How can you all said papa and mama are not living with us. You are not filial piety like me, you should bow to papa and mama now, in saying this in front of them, disrespect papa and mama."
So they had this kind of quarrel everyday, and no body from other mountain heard about this, because they were living together in a small hut, and their neighbour were staying every far from them.
The youngest brothers from the town was speechless in listening to their quarrels, and all their brothers came to ask him their parents where about. The younger brother said "Our parents must believe in God, trusting and believe devoutly in God, in order to go to God's place, the heaven, this is what I know."
When all his brother heard about this, they became very angry, and furious with the youngest brother, so they bitten the youngest brother severely, and they chased away him from the hut, and they threaten him to be hurt in saying this again, so the young brother stay away from his elder brothers for a moment until the things being cooled down. Until today his elder brothers are still quarrelling about the parents where about. The youngest brother asked his close friend, "I rather believe in God rather than my brothers' words. Who is the filial piety son, do you think? You wanted to be our judge?"
This bed time story is a lesson to the young men, we are told to look after our parents before it is too late, it is better to pay our tribute and respect to our parents when they are still living with us, we must respect and honor our parents, do not wait until they passed away, do not wait until we quarrel about their where about. It is too late.
Confucius once said, "How can one know about death before he knows clearly about life?" In one's lifetime, one should fulfil one's responsibility in realizing the ideal of a harmonious society. He said, "四海之内,皆兄弟也...政者正也,子帅以正,孰敢不正? You know the meanings?"
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