Thursday, 13 November 2008

James chapter 1 and VPP

The wordings of James were written smoothly and powerfully. To the Jew in dispersion, it is a proverb in NT. The writer is the brother of Jesus Christ, a well respected man. In this book there is teaching how the Christian should live their life. Probably at AD45, it was written, it is the first book in NT.

Some scholars were doubtful about the teaching of faith and work (2:14-26), James’ teaching is different with what Paul had taught. But actually, James did not teach against the teaching of “justified by faith” he is not teaching man is “justified by work” alone.

James’ purpose is to rebuke those day Judaism, they had a wrong idea, that if a man is “justified by faith,” it means a man just had to accept a set of teachings in their head and mind, and they have no need to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. And then no works were produced, even after “justified by faith.” James purpose is to correct that wrong perception.

James, rebuke them sharply, that true faith must produce good works, if “justified by faith” cannot produce good works, then weather that “faith” is genuine or not it may be in question mark.

Faith cannot be alone, faith must produce good works. Faith will produce fruits. James said that the works is the proof that that “faith” is genuine. Weather a man is obeying God in life or not, maybe become a proof that man is having a genuine faith. He gave an example, Abraham, was justified by faith, he later done a good work, he sacrificed his son Isaac as God’s commandment.

1:2, James wrote that our daily life is full with all kinds of testing, trials and temptations, life is hard, some of them even were persecuted, they had “peirasmos,” temptations and testing, there are some thing in our hearts that tempting us to fall in sin. James wanted them to rejoice even in troubles, like(Matthew 5:10-12)

1:3-4, those pressure, testing, persecutions, the hardship in life, are all for the training a man, to establish faith in God. Like Job, he was tested, later he was comforted. After all the training, they will more like Christ, lovingly love and being loved, more humble, more mature, become a new man, for all these achievement, we must rejoice!

1:5-6, we must have wisdom, they must know which thing is suitable, which is the will of God. This wisdom must know how to choose morally, to know which is right and which is wrong. VPP is right or wrong? If a man lack of wisdom, he or she may ask from God. Since God is good, kind, abundant, by faith and by the will of God, he may received what wisdom he or she is needed. (Matthew 7:7) Wisdom is a gift of God and should be prayed for! Pray by faith, first, VPP later!

1:8, we must not ask half heartedly. Concentrate our heart! (Matthew 6:24)

1:9-10, James wrote about wealthy and poverty, those who are poor, they are facing another kind of testing, so they also rejoice; those who are rich, they also may face testing when their business lose or bankrupt, they also must rejoice. They must rejoice in Christ.

Even rich pastors oppress and bully the poor pastors, they join with unbelievers and politician to enpower their oppression, the poor must keep silent, this is injustice!

1:12, a crown of life, John wrote to the church of Smyrna:

Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Crown of life is not reserved only for the theologians, the pastors, the teachers, the rich, the doctors, the lawyers, the head of a state, a king on earth, but the humblest believers are also entitled to it.

1:13-15, a fountain cannot give two kinds of water, neither sweet nor bitter, but God gave us goodness, God is holy. Man is tempted by his our desire, Satan tempted man to fall into sins, and entangled man to follow it. Satan is the great tempter. May God deliver us from the evil, lead us not into temptation.

1:17, God is light, in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). God is the author and the fountain of all good.

1:18, He born us in His Word, man is born again after believing the Lord. Truth may refer to Gospel.

1:19-20, so do not angry, God will sure judge (Matthew 5:22) we need good behavior to glorified God (Matthew 5:16) so we must take care of our tongue (James 1:26; 3:8), it is better we can become a listener in anger, anger may cause us to sin (Eph 4:26) Justified by faith, we must know how to talk.

1:25 do not continue to become a listener, but a doer! Do the Ten Commandments, we must obey! Christian must produce work according to Ten Commandments!

1:26, outward devotion is useless! It is like those idol worshiper. Ecumenical movement is heading uniting every idol worshipers, if this is the case, we cannot join with this ecumenical movement, God wanted to be united in love and truth, truth of the gospel!

3 tests for true faith:

3.Keeping oneself unspotted from the world.

1:27, worldly means self centered, pursuing money, statues, power and authority, they worship God with their lips, but their heart is far away from God, their hearts have no God, full with sins. True devotion is seen in doing good works, self-ratification, living in holiness; in love and truth, in obeying the commandment of God.

Look what Peter said in polemic? in 1 Peter 2:1, sin blocks love from fellowship, sin cannot let us love one another; put away this bitterness so that our spiritual life may grow!

1 Peter 2:4, we are the house of God, Christ is the ROCK.

1 Peter 2:5, we are the holy priests.

May God grant us wisdom in reading His sacred word! VPP is wrong or not, may God grant us wisdom!


1.How to live our Christian life?
2.What kind of victory and trials in our life?
3.What is the peril of wealth?
4.What is the source of sin?
5.What is the source of God’s goodness?
6.What is hearing?
7.What is doing?
8.How to talk when we are under persecution and opression?

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