Monday 23 January 2017

VPP and forgiveness

Jesus said, we must forgive our brothers for 490 times, 7 x 70 times! We must forgive without end! Then God will forgive us at the end! If we do not want to forgive, then God will not forgive us from the beginning!

If one day, Jesus came to ask these theologians who are teaching VPP, how many times they will forgive their brothers, in offending them, in reading 490 versions of Bible, other than KJV?

These theologians do not want to forgive us, even a blogger like us, in writing blogs against them! That is why they put some of us into the high court! If these theologians do not forgive their brothers in offending them in using NIV...., in preaching against Verbal Plenary Preservation...., if they do not forgive us, God will not fogive these false theologians too! How many times they wanted to forgive their brother in reading CUV? None?

These theologians say, "Hooorray! we will not forgive these Christians who are reading NKJV, NIV, CUV, they are so and so bad...because they do not accept VPP. We are at the Lord's Side! They are not, they are our enemy!"

We are reading the CUV, and ESV, we have offended these theologians, so my question is, how many times they want to forgive us? None? It seem so! My conclusion is, these theologians are not at the Lord's side, because God have not forgiven them!

They have these so called, unforgiven spirits!

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