Monday 23 January 2017

My blogs

My blogs done nothing nor done any harms onto these false theologians, if they read my blogs, they will see me as a mere mockers, so it is better not to let them know about these blogs, do not tell them about these blogs neither, if they know these postings, they will curse me days and nights. 

Let those light minded man read these posting, hidden these from the false teachers, it is better in this way, let the blogs go into the no man land, the WWW. Let others theologians rebuke these false teachers face to face. Let me continue to be a blogger. I have no credential to rebuke them, for correction, they need the Holy Spirit, I prayed that the Holy Spirit talks to them alone.

I will continue write and write, let me read my blog alone, let me walk the way as a blogger, let those Bible teachers talk to these false teachers, may they repent and awake from deep errors!

What a sad things to shout:

Hell le lawyer!

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