Monday 23 January 2017

Kiss and betrayal

On that night of betrayal, Judas kissed Jesus Christ to betray Him, and sold Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silvers.

Kiss is a sign of love and a sign of tenderness. Betrayal is cruel and a sign of harshness. But Judas used both at the same time. Those false theologians are like Judas.

It is like, they loved the Lord and His Bible, and they are promoting Verbal Plenary Preservation, until they put some of his brothers in Christ into the high court.

These FEBC theologians are like Judas, kissing the Bible, but at the same time, they betrayed his brothers and Christ Jesus! 

Betray thou Judas, the theologian, thy Christ and brothers in high court? 

Yes, indeed!

Love thou Jesus Christ? 

Why you kissed Him and betray Him?

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