Monday 23 January 2017

Ism and ist

says Koyama:

‘ We are bound by all kinds of doctrines. Our interest is always on the side of ism rather than
ist. Excessive interest in ism brings forth a disastrous situation which may be called the
tyranny of doctrines. We tend to look at other persons through ‘doctrinally trained eyes’. So
we become experts in quick pronouncements of judgment upon others. When ‘doctrinally
trained eyes’ say, ‘Now master, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.
According to the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women to death!’ (Jn. 8.4),
‘incarnate eyes’ look in a different direction. ‘Jesus stooped down and began to write with his
finger in dust on the ground’ Ism and ist are related. Don’t let ism walk alone.’

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