Monday 23 January 2017

Cold tea will not quench our thirst?

One can study Theology in Far Eastern Bible College. Some will even study the Hebrew and Greek languages in order to read the original Christian canon. One must not minimize the importance of understanding the ancient document of faith. But again, here is something we must not forget: Fundamentalism does not feel hungry even if it does not eat for many centuries. Fundamentalism does not sweat even if it is placed under the hot tropical sun. Fundamentalism does not want to sell a bicycle and buy a motorcycle instead. Fundamentalism does not suffer from flood and drought.

A fundamentalist, on the contrary, is different. He complains, laughs, grieves, sweats, suffers, thirsts and hungers - for he is a man.

When a man is a Buddhist, he does not cease to be a man. When a man is a Muslem, he does not cease to be a man. When a man is a Christian, he does not cease to be a man. A man does not cease to be "man". He does not become either an angel or a devil. By the grace of God, man remains man! Now, man is, according to the Bible, the 'image of God'.

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