Monday 23 January 2017

An Old Fox

I have a friend, an ordained old pastor in Bible Presbyterian Church, he is older than most of us, he used to call the Rev. Dr. Timothy Tow from True Life Bible Presbyterian Church, an old fox!

Only those who are very close with him, know he is an old fox, he began well, but when he was old he became proud, arrogant, self-centered and in the end he became a heretic promoting a heresy: Verbal Plenary Preservation!

My friend so angry with this old fox!

To response to my friend's remark, I call those lecturers in Far Eastern Bible College as small little foxes! They are ruining the legacy of Bible Presbyterian Church in 9, 9A and 10, Gilstead Road, Singapore.

Rev Dr so and so used to tell me that this old fox like to stab people from behind! This old fox likes to betray people who trusted him.

Sad to say, today, many people like to follow old foxes, rather than following the Lord Jesus Christ.

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