Monday 23 January 2017

A simple call

It is seem impossible to forget about ourselves, and start to think about others!

What offering we wanted to put into the hands of God? What are we? Are we following Christ?

Follow Christ now, do it or do not do it! How urgent it is! Casting the net into the depth to catch some fishes, but we need times to mend our nets! All these take times and efforts.

Doctrine has it place, and relationship too has its place. Christian life needs unity, by faith and love. That unity is very important.

We know Whom have we believed in, so lets us unite and love one another in Christ, all the remnants of God, the house of God.

But sad to see, so called "truth" has been used to destroy one another!

Verbal Plenary Preservation has been used to attack one another on the pulpits, in the church, and now even in the high court!

What is love means to us now? There is a call to love the Triune God and toward other Christians. Have we pay enough attention to this simple call?

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